Saturday, November 3, 2018

The Secret Look at the Inside of Lame Cherry's Life

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I type this witness of the times, I am moved to show you the inside life of Lame Cherry in a two part purpose. The first purpose is there are allot of people without health care or in a situation where if they attempted health care the state would throw them into a geezer facility where they would be abused and die, as only rich people get long term care in this world. The second purpose is an insight into all of you innocent rich people and people who should have donated and did not, when I was begging for money, the following photos are evidence of the work of your hands which are before Jesus and you will answer for.

These photos are of my Mom  and what we have been doing every day, because without us she would die, literally. She was injured because of the endless evil thoughts projected at me from people on this blog and from those who did not appreciate TL and I being together.
It all culminated in that of us not getting all the donations we should have, and having to rely on a few people, that burning the candle at three ends here, instead of you rich people killing our animals and putting us homeless, you have done this to a woman and it is your fault.
When I think of democrats donating 750,000 dollars to Christine Blasey Ford, and all of you keyboard commandos on the right living in luxury and never finding the donate button in the donations which you can afford, all I can say is God has it all recorded and you will get your reward when CHRIST SAYS HE NEVER KNEW YOU, because when the opportunity arose, you turned and walked away.

Mom fell, and struck her head. She refused  to go to the hospital. I put her into bed, expecting her to stay there to rest as I told her, but when we returned, she had been out doing dishes for the first time in months and had fallen again. This time wedging herself in a place she could not get up.
I got her up into a chair, and she started dry heaving from the stress of it. I honestly thought she was dying, as TL's gram died the same way in puking before she gave up the ghost.

She was bruised  all over from this, but still insisted on not any hospital, but the wear was making her disoriented by now and later in the bathroom she slunk to the floor, where I  found her, and it took some time for me to get her focused and responsive again.

What has followed has been a nightmare of me up several times a night with no flu, as she worries about going to the bathroom, which is what I do, along with TL feeding her, bathing her and making sure she is not getting into trouble, as she kept trying to get out of bed, as the bump on her head  along with the toxins in her body were giving her vivid dreams which were a form of sleepwalking and  I could not have her falling down again.

After constant conditioning she now stays in bed or the recliner. She is stubborn as I had  her propped up as the fluid build up made her gasp, and she wanted to lay down. That has been worked through, and I have her reading the introduction to Romans to get her into a process of doing something. Her long term and short term memory is fine, but it has taken 5 days for her body to absorb enough nutrients again to start expelling waste as she really is consuming energy to heal.

The body when it bruises, swells and produces fluid to protect itself. What you are witnessing is what people who break their hips have, in all that blood serum collects in their butts, and eventually travels down their legs. This was the leg she broke and having experience with this, I know what is taking  place in the serum flows down into the leg. She had water build up before as she refused to walk, and our not having  money or time to deal with what your evil thoughts changed her into, it all culiminated to the photos  below.

The help in  this is for the poor who  may have wounds and seepage like this. The witness is for the rich that you did this.

This is how the bandaging begins in what we find at the start.

Mom is not a fatty. She is 90 pounds wet, so you can discern the amount of fluid build up in which we are dealing with in your neglect.

This is the work of you rich people and non donors hands who could have afforded it all along, and all you  have done is sniped information here and gone on your non Good  Samaritan way. God  recorded all of this and do  not think saying "Jesus forgive me" is going to cut it in the hell you have put us through.

Life is not some sterile ivory tower. This is what people go through who have the situation we have. TL and  I are honestly giving more attentive and better care than any facility at 5000 dollars a month would charge, and they pretty much all charge in that arena, which people pay for who  can afford it.
For the reality of this, I am trying to get over my 3rd bout of Mexican flu from exhaustion. I have wash my hands to keep from spreading it all the time, so my fingers are cracked, which means I get a daily does of Mother's serum into my sores. The rich people and non donors can think of that in what I do in Christian responsibility as they phone it in.

Yes it looks like hell, and will be hell for those who do not start making up for acting Christian and instead being Christian.

The bandage or the Depends which we got cheap out of the thrift store from someone who died, was not staying in place,  so the Holy Ghost last night said for me to use one of my military knee socks which was stretched out. This is perfect as there was almost zero leakage after 12 hours and her moving around.
No constrictions though or too tight, as we are not going to have blood clots. Generic advil helps with swelling and fluid release.

This is how things look after your mistreatment and our treatment of the ailing.

In bed, I have some HAARTZ puppy pee pads that we got for 9 bucks to keep  the bedding clean in spills. Anything that is built to absorb piss, will absorb other body fluids most effectively, and keep the wound clean and aired. I still make sure this is aired out for a few hours at night as mom reclines as that is important too.
We are not up to "walking" except bed, the  recliner, bathroom and kitchen, as she is still healing in being exhausted. It is a slow build up.

 This is the Depends bandage.  Call it your PINK BADGE for your lack of being a freely giving Christian.

This is the photo of real life seepage in the blood serums of pink and the serums of yellow in clotting. She has one or two weeping spots which are draining the leg and her body as natural release points. This is a positive or else this would all have to be reabsorbed into the body as nutrients and passed through the kidneys, which she has started. This seepage is better for her breathing, heart, and organs, along  with her comfort.
I estimate we have taken 15 pounds of fluid from her. Wednesday was the most as we had her up and in town with us,  sleeping reclined in the pickup, as I could not trust her to not get up and fall again at her home. The vibation of the pick up and moving, helped move a great deal of fluid through. I estimate 4 pounds or a quart came out that day.

What the healing process looks like if mom holds out. Legs elevated. Legs bent in bed to move  fluid. Walking to move things around. Non constricting bandages. Being kept warm. Coconut oil rubs with Vitamin E to heal the skin. More attentive care than the medicals can provide and the fact is what you have not had to pay for in welfare or your insurance premiums which you can afford.


This is  the finished product which will last 12 hours now. She did not have a huge amount of seepage today, even with water retention as the pressure is easing. I am pleased with this, as before I came upon  this,  I was doing 4 loads of laundry a day, in  she had wet socks, slippers, pants and the towels we had her laying on.
Now it is a matter of  Vitamin E oil with vegetable oil, and coconut oil rubs. The coconut oil is remarkable in healing properties for this. Except for her main hip bruise, the ones on her arms and  side are gone. The coconut seems to help in relieving the skin and tissue of the serum to keep it flowing.

This is what I do and what TL helps with, as we are alone. My brother says he can not afford to help, and my sisters are pure vultures who would cause more stress on  Mom and kill  her as that is the kind of christian they are in phoning it in and like you not donating.

I see GAB AI raising 750,000 dollars. Then there is that sham Christine Blasey Ford getting 750,000 dollars, but when it comes to this blog which has been quoted by all media, set the tone for stories, took back the internet when all of you were hiding behind your doors, intimidated to talk in fear of Obama, to having visits from the government to shut me up, and by God placed Donald Trump in the  White House when you had all given up, all of you patriots, christians and whatever you define yourselves as in being better than me, you simply get shown up by democrats, liberals and nazis in you can't find that donate button, but you can always find your debit card to swipe for your four, five and six figure luxuries, but you make excuses for your stealing from God.

This though is the witness as there are no doubts or denials in  any of this. This is what you did to my mother and if you look back through this blog, this is what you did to my murdered animals and have done in wasting me away in riding the pony one more time or demanding one more thing from me, as saving all of your lives a dozen times over was yesterday, and you demand to know what Lame Cherry will serve for you today.

This though is a help to the people who can not afford things or know if they put a loved one into a geezer care, that they will not come out alive. This is work, but there  are things in what I have posted here which we are doing, which make it easier and more effective.

Thank you to the few people who have been constant in support and donations. Thank you to the people who could not afford things, but did drop me notes so I was not alone. I appreciate it. You have helped me save this woman's life again. I do not know God's plans for the future in this, but she is improving each day, but again, it is work, with all the other work God performs through me.

To the non donors, this is your Christian warning with love. You do not exist in a vacuum of denial. You have responsibilities in just living and you have been warned for years to keep bad things from happening and did nothing like Noah's culls who did not get into the Ark. I am not going to keep begging as the facts are the facts in what you did. Most of you did not mean for bad things to happen, but bad things happen and you have a Christian responsibility to care for people less well off than you.
How  God moves you to repent is between you and Him, but you had better get it done as neglecting my world has made me most distressed and  God is hearing about it all about you.

Nuff Said
