Saturday, November 3, 2018

Romi Yamada

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was up sick the other night, so I turned on the television so I was not sitting alone in the dark. For the most part pictures are distracting, but sound always makes things worse.

I am amazed on the nothing that is on, but turned on Jack Benny and noticed he had Romi Yamada and Jack Soo, the guy from Barney Miller and MASH. Yamada was her gorgeous self and as I pondered her, people do not realize what a groundbreaking woman she really was.

Most have no idea what that era was like, as it was all still anti Japanese over Pearl Harbor. The term JAP, was akin to FUCK in how derogatory it was. Americans as a whole hated Japanese into the 1960's with a venom.  Into that, MADE IN JAPAN was a standing joke for absolutely worthless cottage industry things dumped into America, like wooden toy umbrellas.
It would not be until the late 1970's that Made in Japan meant the highest of quality in Honda, Toyota or the Japanese tech giants.

This is the world that a woman named Romi Yamada rose to in being herself.She was break out in not just being a Japanese star, but a recognized face in America. In all candor Romi Yamada accomplished for Asians what Nichelle Nichols did for Blacks in her portrayal of Uhurah on Star Trek. An entire stereotype was cleansed from a national bias by the ambassadorship of these women succeeding in their chosen fields and appearing beyond the stereotype.

All of that is forgotten now in the passage of time, and that is an absolute shame, as these were groundbreaking women who provided leadership and an iconic pose which set the standard for all people. They elevated the entire human race by their presence and considering the still simmering wounds in America over Japan and Korea, Romi Yamada exhibited outstanding character and abilities.

I do not forget people who matter and this lady mattered beyond all the screeching feminists torturing males. This woman made her own world and made it better for all by her example.

Nuff Said
