Thursday, November 1, 2018

Trump the Liberal Nationalist

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the Ghosts of 1918, Jacob Heilbrunn of the Nixon Center postulates that the world is in the condition in the preparation for World War I, and that Donald Trump reflects in numerous ways the policies of socialist Woodrow Wilson. It is important in this Trump Era to engage in the descriptions which are enveloping thoughtful academia in formulating policies, as it reflects Donald Trump's odd remarks that he was National Globalist which had his voters both troubled and puzzled.

Mr. Trump in fact was sucking on the koolade he had been served shortly before that statement as Mr. Trump moved from Mein Kampf and Ronald Reagan to this new intellectual age which rejected the Obama dogma as Thomas Freidman recited at the New York Times in global liberalism, to a neo balance which Donald Trump reasoned was astute in a balance of nationalism an globalism.

New ideas appeared in definitions of FEDERALIST INTERNATIONALISM or CONSERVATIVE INTERNATIONALISM. For the astute who have been reading this blog in the focus of the policies of Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz of the European Super State, you will recognize that Sebastian Kurz is governing Europe with this same Pan European Federalism of both the national state and the continental unity, as Europe moves on the international scale in the same rhetoric.

Sebastian Kurz retweeted Jean Claude Junker's Federalist Internationalism.

The signature of the EU-Singapore agreements is a strong message by like-minded partners to defend and promote an international system based on rules, cooperation and multilateralism. The trade agreement will open up new opportunities for European workers, farmers and consumers.

The very minds which are minding President Donald Trump in DIA policies is the same ideology which is moulding Europe under the genius of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz.

Henry R. Nau argues that America is receiving a third chance to strike a balance between nationalism and globalism. He believes that nationalism and globalism can be complementary forces. At a moment when the major industrialized countries are democracies, nationalism can serve as a kind of democratic check on global elites and institutions. In his view, globalism means a federalist or conservative internationalism, one premised on limited global government that protects, not usurps, republican virtues:

America is engaged in a balance of power, not with the world, but in Donald Trump's mind. Mr. Trump is becoming the Liberal Nationalist and the International Federalist. Two men are now on the world stage for the control of the world for the next 500 years. Who emerges will either mean Europe guiding the world or America guiding the world, and each are espousing thee exact same ideology.

Return of the Balance of Power | The National Interest

by Henry R. Nau. America is getting a third chance to strike the right balance between nationalism and globalism. ... National interests do come first in a globalized democratic world. They ...

Nau postulates that the threat to liberalism is the autocratic or rise of dynamic strongmen in the Asian theaters who reject the progressivism which ironically is what created these same communist states.

I disagree in the definition, as autocrats are threatened by the use of liberal or progressive ideas when funded by billionaires through NGO's who seek to overthrow independent nations, in order to bring them into the globalist order to exploit. It is liberalism, as in the United States using the laws to criminalize Christian Conservatives in the police state which is the threat. Liberalism has always been the pariah of humanity as it indulges license for responsibility.

The threat to the liberal order comes not from political shifts within democratic societies from liberal to conservative parties; that’s the normal cycle of democratic politics. It comes from resurgent autocrats in Russia, China, North Korea and Iran who do not tolerate such political shifts. Authoritarianism, not nationalism, poses the real threat to the liberal order.

Globalism is a world ruled by the feudal few. The new phrase of Liberal Nationalism which President Donald Trump and Chancellor Sebastian Kurz are both espousing, is not calling globalism back to it's democratic or mob rule roots. It is using instead the mob in terror threats to herd nations to a police state control for a world dictatorship.
Confusing authoritarian nationalism with any form of nationalism is a mistake as authoritarian nationalism is a police state control. The reality is that all of these newly coined terms are the same chimera. Liberal nationalism is the same as globalism is the same as authoritarian nationalism, and federalists nationalism is the same animal, as they are all systems hijacked by the financiers to control the masses. Under socialist conglomerates the society is sheared in redistributed wealth and under socialist autocrats society is gleaned for the same concentrated wealth of the few.

Liberal nationalism is calling globalism back to its democratic roots. Respect the people. Give them time to absorb unprecedented political, economic and social change. Don’t lose the liberal nationalism that built globalism, or globalism will simply become another form of authoritarianism. But, also, don’t lose the liberal globalism gained by the Cold War, or nationalism will become virulent again, as it was in the era of authoritarian nationalism. 

The President of the United States and the Chancellor of Europe are both moving for a united world, a one world in which they direct. The problem is as always in a united world is there is only one world, and two leaders are seeking to control it.

Remember that warning as America's only solution is peace, peace with Russia and peace with Europe as this blog noted, and China will solve itself, all based upon the George Washington mandate of friendly trade with all nations for the prosperity of the American sphere.

Nuff Said
