Saturday, November 17, 2018
When Donald Trump Sold His Soul
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Did you happen to notice that gas prices in America dropped the DAY AFTER THE ELECTION and not as predicted in August in having a 25 cents a gallon drop? From HAARP to Big Oil, the fix was in for Jeb Bush's 2018 AD in the year of our Lord victory lap. This was a campaign of national voter outrage to turn the US Congress over to democrats, by design, in margins that races could not be stolen in key venues and flooding the ballots in other areas.
What this has to do with anything is something I am going to predict as TL was speaking with a local board member of our energy cooperative for electricity, and just as Donald Trump did not rid America of Obama's 40% mandate of subsidized wind energy for the insider cronies which drove up your energy prices from 50 to 150 dollars a month during the Obama regime, Donald Trump has now set the stage for the economic nation rapists he sold his soul to, to really rape America in 2019 AD in the year of our Lord.
According to the board member, as he was on his way to a regional meeting to discuss this, "they" meaning big oil, need natural gas prices to spike, as oil is "too low". By doing this, "they"will then have the margins for all of those expensive drilling operations where Donald Trump is selling your natural gas to Europeans who are Poles, as the rest of Europe does not want Liquid Natural Gas.
This means that your energy bills have not yet hit the highs, but will spike upwards in your electric bills, as Donald Trump did not build one coal fired power plant, but sold the coal to China, which belches that soot back onto the United States in fallout, as your power plants in the east generate using natural gas, as does HAARP, which is a waste of resources.
So your gas prices in your car are going up in 2019 AD in the year of the Lord. Your electric prices are going up in 2019 AD in the year of our Lord.. This means all of your food prices are going to be going up, as energy inflation drives up all other prices, just as sugar, flour and pop will now spike even higher. The day will be coming for 2 dollar a can pop at a vending machine and gas is going to hover around 2.95 a gallon in the next economic cycle. It can not be any other way, because Donald Trump's nation rapists in Big Oil, own him in the DIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency who placed him into office. But enjoy this as it means Russia and Oil terror will see their profits increase of more advanced weapon's systems in nukes and more terror attacks.
Natural Gas is a base for all American agriculture. From it is derived Anhydrous Ammonia, and that is what big farmers use to grow corn. Again American agriculture is taking record hits, due to their stupidity in incurring record debt, but all the same, expect that sector to suffer immensely as robbing peter to pay paul in commodity pricing is going to have all these big fancy landowner driving debt vehicles the banks own.
You can not have MAGA if you do not employ Americans, and instead open the floodgates as John Kelly did for Visa Vermin. You can not have MAGA when you drive up energy prices. America was kept sucking the kook aid for the midterm elections, but there is massive trouble in the US and world economy. The world economy is in deep recession and America due to Trump debt infusion spending to Wall Street has been treading water, but no one can afford a home, so real estate will stagnate, as will auto sales as there are not enough vermin to drive that and smart phone sales.
The only cork to grab onto in this ocean would be to end the Obamacare mandate and stop forcing people to be taxed or insured, so they could get above water, but that is roulette in if someone does get sick, they are in financial jeopardy. Those multiple thousands of dollars in Obamacare and those thousands in energy prices are the destruction of the American Race. Ronald Reagan preserved American poor, this though is not the case with the Trump group in this toxic situation.
No need for me to waste more electronic trees for this blog, as the reality is the energy producers have signed off on a deal with Mr. President's protectors and you are going to pay even more in 2019 AD in the year of our Lord.
There stock market should deflate, ridding those rich folks of wealth by half, and it simply is a matter that all of this points to a reality in this organized economy, that in order to keep an uprising from happening a war is going to have to happen. That is future tense, but the future is getting closer, as is the reality of this group wants a Pence presidency, a Putin / Kurz war in Europe, and some nasty inter tribal war in China with Muslims to profit in theater by.
This is not the Donald Trump presidency. This is the Jeb Bush midterms victory lap as MAGA is gone.
Nuff Said