Johnny you smell like you have cock on your breath.......
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Well bone breaker Ruth Ginsburg managed to make it to the White House, and I am pleased she did as we now can ascertain this cancer stricken geezer's condition as it is interesting.
First up we can see she is fleshy or puffy. That means the old gal is chugging Ensure in putting on weight. Her color looks better than beat face fag John Roberts, ashen face Sam Alito or pale face Lezbo Kagan. She does have that 1000 yard stare though in not all the bats are flying in her belfry.
You can see she is not the same crabby broad of a few years ago. The vacuous has set in.
Dying would be welcome to get away from that old broad...
It does look like Pinky Kavanaugh wanted to get in on a little of the Ruth action when Orin Hatch was putting the leftist love on her.
You did notice the gloved one in Ruth Ginsburg wears gloves all the time. She has a skin condition, that would be eczema, seborrhea or psoriasis. She has a gut problem, intestinal, bacterial and it is manifesting in a skin disease.

Hey old Morman man, leave some of that geezer sugar for us.
So we know now she is fatty in putting on geezer drinks to make up for her appetite reduction and nutrient absorption, is a bit puffy in water retention, she has lost mental function from age or medications, or both, has balance problems, being rich survived pancreatic cancer and has an intestinal imbalance in what she eats is recognized as poison which sets off an auto immune response.
Donald Trump and everyone being nice to this old baby killing sodomite means the insider information is this old Jesus denier is not going to survive.
Her costume of geezer gal wardrobe is a symptom of her mental dysfunction which old women develop in all dressing like a carnival act.
I didn't ask how long she has to live, but from what Mr. President acted like, he has been told he will be appointing her replacement before he leaves least Mike Pence will if the Indiana Mafia Don succeeds in his coup to remove Donald Trump from the White House.
I pray Ruth Ginsburg accepts Jesus as her Savior before she exits the world
One Bad Apple - YouTube
One bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch, girl. Oh, give it one more try before you give up on love. One bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch girl. ... The Jackson 5 - Shake Your Body To The ...
Nuff Said