Monday, December 31, 2018

Donald Trump's Syrian Gas Station Pumpers

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Do you remember this blog informed you that this President acquired the Syrian oil and gas fields from Obama McCain's ISIS early on in the Ivanka Tomahawk war, and that the Pentagon blew up Russian mercenaries intent on taking those oil fields which were Kurds transporting oil to Turkey?

So what happens to all that oil and gas pumped by Americans oil barons and Saudi oil tycoons now that Mr. Trump has his army leaving the building?

Therein lies the real story about the Syrian pull out, as it hearkens directly back to Eric Prince of Michigan, Blackwater, and what I informed you of in Mr. Trump was gaining access to a private mercenary army to project United States policy around the globe beyond Congressional oversight.

Do not think though that this is Mr. Trump's personal army. Think of it as the projection of those who still remain standing around this President, minus Jarvanka who are the soft cherries upon this jubilee.

The answer to Syria is Academi as it was named after becoming XE as it was Blackwater. All of this was set up by Jason DeYonker an investment manager for Eric Prince.

The ownership group is led by two private equity firms, including New York-based Forte Capital Advisors. Jason DeYonker, Forte managing partner, has been a longtime financial adviser to Prince, helping him expand the Moyock, N.C., training grounds and negotiating Blackwater’s first training contracts with the US government.
“The future of this industry belongs to those companies with the highest standards of governance, transparency, and performance,’’ DeYonker said.

There are various levels in this in who manages and owns Academi, but the main feature is the Constellis Group, and this is why they are now the gas station attendants out in Syria.

Constellis Group package, are now all gathered under the Constellis Holdings, Inc. umbrella.The transaction brings together an array of security companies including Triple Canopy, Constellis Ltd., Strategic Social, Tidewater Global Services, National Strategic Protective Services, ACADEMI Training Center and International Development Solutions

If you desire to for the first time, see the public faces of those who have orchestrated the things you have been experiencing. This is the front of the faction which we all know and love. These people are not the ones behind all of what you have been witnessing, but they are not being touched by Robert Mueller, the media or Justice. They took over from Eric Prince and all went silent on this venture. What this group is, is the necessary directors for this CIA DIA projection of power, in a privately funded army, in this case by siphoned off oil money for operations and government contracts for carte blanche.

Board of directors

Bobby Ray is one of the NIA heavy hitters direct from Bohemian Grove. He got a raw deal under Bill Clinton who appointed him, and then it came out as Richard Nixon related, "He was prancing around naked like a goddamn faggot at the Grove", and that little reality got out. Inman deserved better as he was having his first time at the Grove and what the hell are you going to do to impress the boys than join in for a bit of bacchanalian.

The one person who is the quiet Christian in this who keeps popping up is the demure John Ashcroft. Senator of Missouri and George W. Bush's Attorney General. All of the players from Robert Mueller, James Comey to the current FBI Director Christopher Wray are all Ashcroft proteges. Add to this the leaker Katie Walsh, whose groom was tied into MI6 in England before Pissgate, and after Donald Trump fired her, she was in two with Vice President Mike Pence and being protected took over the Trump re election PAC, and you begin to see the heavy hand print of John Ashcroft in all of this.

With Billy Jo Red McCombs, you have the Texas connection with is Bush fam CIA. Eric Prince was intent in 2016 to bringing Blackwater back as the personal mercenary extension off book the United States Government, and when this blog alerted all of you that Donald Trump several months ago was about to gain his very own private CIA DIA extension for overt covert US policy, this is what has now been engaged.
Donald Trump left Syria to Turkey and Russia, but he left his Academi gas station attendants in charge of the Syrian oil and gas fields, which are pumping to the Haifa connection, and that resource is now being offloaded (stolen) and applied as Jewish oil and gas, in being sold to Sebastian Kurz of the European Super State.

In an additional operational layer, this is not Navy SEALS any longer in Eric Prince's group. The SEALS are military in scope. What Academi has evolved into for real control is Delta Force.
I will provide a public example of Delta Force in action under Birther Hussein or cleaning up a disaster of Hamrod and the Birther.

Do you remember Benghazi, when Chris Stevens was sent in to be a hostage of terrorists, who were to be shot in a rescue, so Obama could "win" the presidency in overcoming the ghost of Jimmy Carter in Iran?
Too bad if you did not read the story here, for Stevens was in Benghazi trying to get back the weapons that Obama McCain and Clinton shipped for the Civil War in Syria, and four Americans were torched.
As was covered here exclusively, a plane touched down in Libya the next day. Certain individuals got off that plane and certain terrorists who bungholed Obama's re election campaign ruse ended up with holes in their heads. If you read that story in the archives, that operation revealed that some of the terrorists executed were double tapped and some were not. As was pointed out here, that meant military and civilians were involved. This was Delta Force in a combined CIA DIA clean up crew sent in to send a message that what took place would not be tolerated and for everyone to shut their mouths.

The additional layer in this is Delta Force control in this group.

Key personnel

Triple Canopy’s leadership included former Delta Force officers, industry analysts and asset management experts, and consultants. They included:[6]
  • Tom Katis, Co-Chairman
  • Matt Mann, Co-Chairman
  • Gregory 'Mo' Mulligan, President
  • Matt Luckett, Director
  • Jay Christy, Chief Operating Officer
  • Tom Magnani, Chief Financial Officer
  • Juliet Protas, Senior Vice President and General Counsel

These are all people that one does not want to arouse angst in. What you are seeing though are the public personas of those who are behind a number of things which you are experiencing, and those people in control are not ever going to be mentioned in the media.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive, which no one else is ever going to touch as the best Infowars could print was vague innuendo several years ago on this. But here, you are seeing who is pumping gas for Donald Trump in Syria, why he got  out of Syria, why the Russians and Turks are not daring to move on those oil and gas fields and what kind of commerce Academi is representing, as this is the legalized conglomerate enforcement group, not of national interests, but of corporate interests.

This is so established and connected that none of this is being noted or investigated by the media, as this is what is beyond the deep state which has become a buzz world, but is the 'system' as Bill Colby related before he was put down, in this the cartel which manages the United States.

Desire to know why Lindsey in the gay ear Graham grew a set of balls? He had them implanted by the people who made Academi a national policy.
This orphan girl is saying a great deal of things if you have a modicum of understanding without saying anything and I doubt I will be posting on this subject again as for some reason the rich non donors think they are not required to be generous in donations, as this kind of information is available elsewhere.

Sorry Hans, let's try Double Jeopardy Alec of 2000 in The Head Up Your Ass category.

