Monday, December 31, 2018

The European Pearl of 2019 and thee American Pig Pen

Ich bin zu sexy für meinen Nazi

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is distressing as ZeroHedge points to the Trump administration conduits out of Cerebus, flipped retirement funds based in safe bonds to two bailouts of the market which created the infamous 1000 point spike on the 26th December and the 800 point rally of the 27th December, in placing America's geezer funds in jeopardy.
As this blog has already predicted, the Snow Bird States with 40 million geezers depending on state pensions plans are not going to survive on Social Security The point is Concentration Soup Kitchens will have to appear and without billions flowing into Texas, Arizona and Florida, those states will be bankrupt in this epic catastrophe which will produce depressions in those states and worse yet, these are the states which kept America solvent under Obama Without them the United States will cement into a Super Depression from the Obama Era which she has never recovered from.

Chicago Tribune

The President can blame the Fed for raising interest rates, but the Fed which will continue to raise interest rates is not responding to an expanding US economy but to Trumpflation. No nation can import millions of Visa Vermin, dump welfare funds into that mass, sell off her energy of gas an oil to foreigners, which produces super inflation which destroys the working class, and keep collecting record taxes as Mexicans send home billions via Wells Fargo, and not have this Jimmy Carter Stagflation.
The problem is the Fed knows a runaway train is on the track, and it keeps apply interest brakes to stop what the inflation is, but Donald Trump and his conglomerate allies, are pouring the coals to the engine to super charge it, so not any interest rates are going to affect this economy, as it is NOT people borrowing money, but instead conglomerates like Amazon feeling the pinch and Donald Trump's spend psychopathy government. 

This could go on for some time, but as only this blog has noted, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and the fine libertarian Habsburg Royal Family have built an European free zone of America for the 22nd century. With 2.5 billion Africans as their consumer market in technology living wage recipients and Indochinese technological trade of siliconware, Europe has a plan for economic superpower status. America has none but bombs and tweets.
In short, it is in Europe's interest to cause a 2008 type collapse which installed their Designer Negro Obama to the White House as a Birther loyal to them, and who provided 3 trillion American dollars to Europe to build the European Super State.

I have already stated what inquiry pointed to in a 2019 reset of the American economy. I will give the December 28th inquiry in what the matrix was pointing to in numbers.

Indications are what will be  blamed is Deutsch Bank for starting this off, as the French lenders were blamed in the two part hit out of France only revealed here, which imploded the US Markets in 2008 AD in the year of our Lord.

The matrix trends to a 10% market drop for the major players in Europe in England, France and Germany. Other states as Spain, Greece and Italy are in the 20% range.
In Asia, Japan is in the 10 to 20% decline, but China has a massive reduction.

The number when this is done for America which the matrix indicates is 64% reduction in stock market prices before it stabilizes.  These plunges are those in power who know of such things dumping stock shares and now the robbery is retirees money to attempt to stabilize this market.

This is the wrong time for politics by Pelosi and Schumer in a government shut down over border walls. It is the not correct time for the President to be unsettling the markets as it provides a scapegoat for those who will plunge the markets for Europe to replace the United States.

This blog reminds you of the 4 Horseman of the Revelation in what follows each horse. Place economic upheaval into the nations, and China will view that sending it's soldiers out of China  is better than the Generals beheading their communist dictators to rule instead.
It is a step to FDR start a war to cure economic woes for America. The problem being there is not a British empire to bleed dry. Europe would be pleased to have a two front war in Russia and China against America, as they build their trade. Europe could remain neutral as America is driven out of Poland and the Mideast by Russia, as America has a war in Alaska over oil with China.

I fully expect that in the time which follows the elderly not having their pensions being lost, that just as HAARP weeded out my too willing mother, that America will crop 40 million war generation  and baby boomers from stress in a short period of time. It is one way to curb government debt spending by cropping the surplus unproductive population.

I only had a few moments to do a flash read on this situation as I was interested if the Germans would be scapegoated. It is though the shadow of the future and the rivers and eddies of the matrix can change from different vantage points, but the main channel of the collapse will remain the same, as other currents are driving forward on their agenda's of supremacy.

This blog though did hit the start of this in October in predicting the drop dates of the markets. Having financial problems in the mother dying has not had me inquiring on these things, as I have no money in the stock market, so this ground stem issue has little interest in me. I have warned the rich for quite some time of coming events, and the necessity of generous donations,but nothing appeared.

The last dam against all of this was the pension plans being solvent. End of December this bulwark was removed. When the markets correct sharply, these old people are going to set off a great depression in that money not feeding the economy on this sugar fix. It will take time to shift this massive debt to a war generating economy, as I stated there is not a British Empire to loot this time.

Europe will benefit greatly from this as America sinks. It will be a good time to be Austrian in having jobs, having tax cuts, the foreigners already removed and the earth looking like a pearl for the European oyster led by Sebastian Kurz.

Let's sing....

Nuff Said
