Saturday, December 1, 2018

Germany in Crisis

Wie wäre es mit einem schönen Altersheim mit einem Zwerg auf dem Rasen

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Germany is in crisis. Angela Merkel has brought that productive nation to the cock of terror rape and an economy which is stagnant. Frau Merkel is on her way out and taking an order with her as dinosaur as her mongrel East German roots. It is in this political jeopardy and political crisis, that a new leader must come forward and pressed forward to save the German People, the volk.

In the examination of history, the principles of this are already laid, when the German Fatherland annexed the German Motherland of Austria. The method was simple in Adolf Hitler allied with his socialists in Austria, formed provisional government which invited German military into Austria to provide peace and security. It is in this time of crisis that allies of Sebastian Kurz must come forward and form a united provisional government of federalism in their German States and petition Austria for unification in the Anschluss, in history repeating herself with Germans this time uniting behind the Austrian leadership of Europe in Sebastian Kurz.

Only by this remedy will Europe be reborn from the ashes of Angela  Merkel and other failed despots like Emmanuel Macron of France and Theresa May of England. Europe can only advance with the unification of the Motherland and the Fatherland, with the German Austrian diaspora united under the federated flag of union to lead central Europeans and all of Europe for a peaceful promotion of the common good for the world.

The Saxon race must rise and lay claim to their world nativity for the good of the world, for there is no leadership in England or France. Russia has neither the finance nor diplomacy. China is a papered tiger afire in it's own meltdown, and the United States is aging toward an imbecile nature. For the sake of the world, Germans must call upon Chancellor Kurz  to become their federal fuehrer for the stability of Europe, Africa and Asia, and to allow the self economic rape of the Americas to wean itself from the debt addiction of self monetary mutilation.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


 Come Angela, your gnome awaits your retirement

Nuff Said
