Saturday, December 1, 2018

Dropping Mountains On Me

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the evidence of events, I now see that not only God knew mom was going to die the day after Thanksgiving, but satan did too, for what has been unleashed on breaking me, and it has been successful as I honestly want to die.

At the start of this episode, I was cringing a lawyers fees and 800 dollars to finish this heating season, but as I type this, satan had other plans which began last April.

Here is the scenario of this week after burying mom.

Monday I found out that there were not any death benefits from Social Security, and they are like 250 bucks for cripples.
Mom's retirement which she just put my name on in August for 9300 dollars, was all gone.

So I was going to try and get heating assistance and that is when I noticed something off in the tax return of last year, where our income was not listed, but an off number I do not know where it came from.
From that low number, I got a full refund of all taxes paid in, and did not have to prepay for this year. It turns out the preparer used our deduction number instead, and now it turns out that she will be filing for us an IRS amended form. Which means I have to return the refund. I have to probably come up immediately with the taxes for this year and not April 15th, and I will be hit with plus 5% interest, for every month, plus 25% of what I originally owed. All from a mistake not of my own.
I am phobic when it comes to taxes in I hate them in I cringe doing it. So when we were told I got my first refund, I celebrated, thanked God and saved the money in the bank for our place. Instead it is going to cost me more than if I had just paid the taxes. I never checked the form, because I never do, and mom was in her mood so she never bothered as she never made an appointment for us this past year either. The preparer's husband was dying of cancer so she was distracted, and my original number sheet apparently disappeared. In the end, I am going to have come up with a monster back payment as Donald Trump should know that there is no quarter when it comes to the IRS, even when I am the one who caught the mistake and am being honest.

Every day, a mountain of violation has fallen upon us. I have lost all nostalgia or sentimentality for mom. We stopped out at the grave and I told her if she was around that she could get off her ass, as this klusterfuk she left me is an immense bill, and while mom said her estate would pay for things, I am the estate as zero help from the siblings who have vanished, leaving me this disaster. Hell I would have to sell this house to pay for things as she was living retirement deposit to retirement desposit.
I had TL check mom's account today and SS deposited this week, that will be pulled back out by the bots, and I need to keep checking to make sure any automatic payments for insurance do not pull money out and overdraw those meager funds.

I honestly have no interest any more in anything. I just scowl in the thrift store as since she died, it has been nothing but problems. The only thing that made us feel good was the undertaker's secretary called up and I thought, "What now the check bounced?". Instead she had mailed us another person's certificate of death and mailed mom's to another family. So I told her I would check as we were just getting home, and would run it back  to town if we had it.
Turns out we did have their certificates of the other family, and this gal was a kid who went to our Church, so I did not want her to get into trouble, so took them in and solved it all for a thanks.

It was odd in I was telling TL, that the other person, I knew his daughter from school, in fact she was in our grade until she was held back. If someone would have told us when we were six, that her dad and my mom would die the same week years later, and that the death certificates would get mixed up, I would have thought it impossible. She was a nice little girl and I feel bad for her family, as her dad was a quiet Hero, in being decorated in the military, and quietly raised his family and made a living for them.

For the extended Cherry family who has donated from their meager incomes, I now have something for you, all of those rich people and all of the trolls, have not been reading this blog or the posts as of late, but in all of this, even though I have not inquired, I have some information for you exclusively in matter anti matter.

DearLC, My heart breaks for you. I pray things get better and your just rewards and peace arrive soon. Please don’t jump off that bridge! You are a force of nature and a gift from God. Thank you for all you give to so many.

In watching how God worked through us to save mom, as our lives were pure agony for most of this year, and from now experiencing the continuous whammies after mom died in mountain's falling on us to break us, which has been effective, I can tell God has something going on. I can inquire, but inside the Spirit in me, I know something is coming. He had us here to deal with mom, and I am guessing there are a series of national events coming. I will try and inquire, but I am about falling asleep her at 6:30 on Friday night, as we were doing 7 hours of this klusterfuk straight today, 75 miles to nowhere and back.
Be easier to absorb all of this with the generous big donations from the rich, but nothing I can do about it, as I have to take this torture and the blows as I have no other recourse. I know God has something up, because He was accomplishing something before.
Amen to the just rewards and peace, not only for us, but for all the good children.

I am hoping that we can put this behind us soon, especially now the IRS mess without any further problems.

I was thinking about that today in most Americans have 1/3rd of their income confiscated by taxes. The Nazi Conglomerates have the markets rigged so people are left with about 10% to struggle on, so they will not revolt, but just enough to sucker them to buy a vehicle or house and be slaves their entire lives. It simply is impossible to earn money and then save enough now for most Americans. I am being wiped out by all of this and I am a fortunate one, unlike most people living paycheck to paycheck, in at least my health was used up on getting this shack we are in for two undeserving parents, who I have now both buried without one dime of help from the sibs.

I am in my "This is happening to someone else mode" in watching it happen to someone else. I learned how to survive like that as a child and that is how in Christ I keep alive now.

We are in this cauldron, and I hope for the good people out there, they are paying attention to the things happening to us, so things will go easier for you, but this is nothing no one should have to go through. I really have some evil forces which want me dead as they have been dropping mountains on me for sometime. I would think there would be better targets, but all hell sure has been unleashed on us and this hades storm is a winter of the worst of times.

God bless the Good.

