Monday, December 31, 2018

HAARP Has an Achilles Heal


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the Doc lives in Watertown South Dakota, I was noticing what a shit week that HAARP was gifting him. As I study this living organism of Weather Mod, there are realities of it's weaknesses and defects in all the power it generates.

I am convinced now that "winter" would have been pleasant this year, including pleasant with a great deal of snow falling on the east coast. No one can complain about snow falling and then melting in a week. Ohio is not Alberta where snow stays until June when it falls in October.

In order for the President's oil barons to glean the public, HAARP generated a super cold bulge out of Greenland which is impossible over the north central United States which killed numbers of old people. This cold stretched from the Rockies to the Mississippi River and it was brutal.

In jumping ahead to today, I covered the massive Christian Christmas kill storm which was generated for revenue, and onto this out of nowhere a massive snow bomb exploded over South Dakota yesterday evening. This is a real blizzard in conditions. Something I noted in the forecasts is that HAARP had it raining in below freezing temperatures last night there after the snow fell and then the blizzard came.

I did a screen grab in this to show you that this Dakota blizzard was a cold blocking line, as something else appeared in a massive T Storm Surge which is pasting the American north east. Again all of this is to sell fuel. You get a reprieve in gas prices as America has too much of that in no one can afford to drive. Enter in the need to burn up propane and natural gas reserves, and you have the blocking blizzard and the T Storm Surge. Look there is nothing out in the Dakotas for money. The real money is Chicago east. That is where 80 million homes are burning energy netting the big bucks.

What is puzzling for me in this is how HAARP pulls hyper cold out of the upper atmosphere. See you have to understand in what I have tried to explain in the Dakotas get nothing but north winds. That is not Arctic winds and I did a check on what Winnipeg Manitoba was for weather and you can see the results.


Winnipeg is only 13 below and it GOING TO BE WARMER THAN WATERTOWN SOUTH DAKOTA which is going to be 20 below. See what I am saying about the way HAARP regulates the weather.

In this instance instead of sucking Mexican moisture via Texas to the Dakotas and Minnesota to kill Christians over Christmas, this time the cold came from the sky as a blocking line to create a storm over the central northeastern United States, compared to the storm which blasted the coast after Christmas and the week prior.

This is once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. No one else is covering this in exposing the dynamics of this HAARP Weather Mod.

Both of these storms came out of nowhere and dumped around 18 inches of snow. Apparently the snow pack is sufficient or I should say, HAARP has reached it's generating limits. There is not any more cold air in Canada as it is hotter than America. After the massive Christmas Killer storm generated, it appears HAARP could only blast a hole in the upper atmosphere and suck air from 10 miles up, and this hydrant has only a 36 hour window of 20 below zero weather, because by Wednesday the weather is warming over the region. Think of it this way in HAARP has been murdering people in creating a huge air wave like El Nino does, and in this tsunami a reverse tsunami is pushing back in warm air, and HAARP can not generate enough distortion in the upper atmosphere any more, except to blast holes but that is a 36 hour event.

HAARP has it's limitations by the above realities. The world is still bigger than HAARP. HAARP can Weather Modify most effectively when enhancing solar earth generated patterns which are occurring even in this dead atmosphere. It though can push cold weather in a jet naturally moving south out of Canada, earlier than normal, but when that push is being affected by conditions south in the pattern, HAARP can only shift so much air bubble south, before a reverse wave begins generating which is happening now.

Those behind this for the oil barons have committed crimes against humanity in this robbery and murder as generating weather that murdered my mother is murder as guilty as using a gun.

While this blog lasts those are the facts.

Nuff Said.
