Monday, December 31, 2018

The Inventor

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have not been ignoring the offer or the invention, but as I blink here a week passes as I am suspended in place. I do not deal emotionally with all of this I have been working through as the weather has been a trial here.
We are watching George C. Scott in Beauty and the Beast. For me this is a distraction as I tell myself I can hang on. Same phobia I have of heights and people. I would the Lord would return as the leopard spots of the rich do not change no matter how much they purr how Christian they are

For inventions, it is why I am here begging for money. I have spent my years examining the angles of everything. I have discovered that every corporation wants what you have for nothing to steal it from you or they state that they can not look at inventions as it violates policy. (That means they steal things from you and do not want to get caught.)

I would offer the best advice is the story of that My Pillow guy. The key to it all is working 120 hours a week and convincing people to part with their money Appeal to their common lust or fury (can't sleep at night in the terror of a bad pillow) and then sell yourself, as you are not selling a product but yourself.

Everything I discovered is that I had to build it from the ground up. In doing that, being successful enough a corporation will try to outmarket you with their version or they will buy you out. That is the end game in this.

Keep it simple. If something involves electronics, and you do not have that ability or you will have to spend years learning how to implement that feature, then you either need a partner who knows this who will take half your profits at least, and all if a crook, or you need to find something which you are naturally gifted at

Look at my situation. No one would buy my poetry as I did not want to sell me. I am a recluse. No one was going to hire me for writing as that is guild stuff or Mockingbird. This beggars venue where I have people stealing my stuff non stop and have to rely on a few good people to give me some revenue as the rich make lots of promises, but have no staying power or carrying through as that character is absent.

So it is my nature to not allow the world to change me. I do my best to help where I am asked. I pray, hang on, and hope for what we need in enough money to get a home, as I have a plan, in a bit more land, grow enough feed for a slight expansion of cattle and growing our own food, then in still writing here, I may be able to venture into my pillow which I have blundered into in German beverages. I am not a micro brewer, but those are doing well across America. I know my market, know I have to have Treasury licenses and taxes, know how to sell myself and then it still may go bankrupt. What the factor is I look at is time. I could make enough of this product in a month for year, and it will not spoil.

What I am saying is a lesson I listened to in a guy name Frank.  This was when I was a little kid and Frank had gotten sick. He had 10,000 dollars in bills and was an old man. I don't know how he came upon the idea, but he had 2 x 2's, figured how to make whistle......a train whistle is what it sounded like, he could make this things fast, they were about a foot long, he charred them for effect, and sanded them. He then took them to these boring craft shows, farm gatherings and at 5 bucks a piece he made 10 grande. Blow that blessed train whistle and people it up and had to have one.

I was begging God for a rest in being sick around the year 2000. Someone though needed saving so I dug down and tried for that retch. It seems one more thing to dig down for. Donald Trump to be president was 18 months I did not have. The mother was something I think would have killed me if it continued on. What has followed has been a non stop piling burdens. I am not stating this for sympathy or effect. It simply is me and I am forced to dig down each day. I don't want to dig anymore, but am forced to.

My advice is to be aware of how much work it is to market something. Be aware that you can not be like me in  telling people the Truth. If I had lied to people this past years instead of telling them the Truth about the president, in negating what they thought they believed in, I would have had the money by suckering people. I would not make a life by swindling people as I would have to live with myself.

As Fred Trump said, never secure a loan with your own money and as Bass Elder said, never buy booze with your own money.

Always break things down, so many units, cost, sales to achieve the goal of target price. It is like the blog, 100 rich people donate 10,000 dollars each which is nothing to them is 1 million dollars. I know the money is there as liberals get that cash all the time and cripples who beg for wall money get millions. My product does not sell, but then Jesus message did not make the Apostles clothed in gold either, but it sure made the money preachers rich........and my work does make numbers of powerful media people rich as it provided them content.

I am going to imbibe on some schnapps with TL on a below zero night of blizzard winds, hope we sleep sound and all is safe here, and look for a warmer day in the hope nothing dies here. I do plan on being around, as serving is what I do. My great treasure is to be wealthy enough that I can turn on a little space heater, the kind I became addicted to as a child, have the lights off and lay down in front of it and sleep in shutting out the world.
Odd thing in I have no addictions to chemicals, but combine the hum of an electric motor with radiant heat and that is gold to me.

Happy New Year as 2018 was one of the worst I have endured for sometime.

God bless us everyone, Tiny Tim.
