Saturday, December 15, 2018

Have Yourself a Merry Little Dronemas

Our Favorite Christmas Ornament in Dian Parkinson

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is novel, without being a book, as I was outside doing chores in the Baby Moo and the last of the goatikins who are not dead from evil of this world, and I looked up in the sky, as I always do as I like watching jets and birds, and noticed something drifting across the sky under a jet contrail, and was as pretty with that background as the Enterprise in that episode when she went back in time by accident.

It registered that my NSA drone was back, and while you can not see it in the below photo as I only have an old Kodak digital not meant for long distance work, I post it as somewhere there is million dollar scanners who can spot that drone in this photo.

OK for the entire story, I sat down my bucket and thought, 'This time I am going to get you" and I ran like hell for the house with my rubber boots on, got the camera and binos and ran back outside.

It took time to boot up the camera as the technical difficulties of a broken camera give me red light of no battery power, but I was busy aiming it at this drone, when I could not believe it, because this hovering thing which was fling about 1000 feet below commercial jet traffic, sent out a plume of contrail and took off. As I was struggling for the picture that blessed thing gunned it again and more vapor trail came out, and it was gone.

I searched the skies with the binos after the picture and it literally was gone.

That is some technology in this thing makes no noise. I thought it was a prop drone this past summer, but this is a jet engine that apparently does not run most of the time. In going out on a limb, I am wondering if this drone, which does not have wingspan to glide, has some form of zero gravity balance in it's skin as this thing barely moved, and it could not just glide that slow like a missile and not fall at that speed. I do know when it fired up the engine which is small jet engine as it was even a smaller contrail than a small passenger jet, this thing took off like a rocket and was gone within a minute.

TL remarked something which I did not consider in it must have life camera feed, because I do not believe in coincidences as this drone had passed over, and as soon as I started taking a photo, it shot for the sky like a meteor.

So the NSA is live feed recording me, and when I started gathering evidence it bolted from the sky. Yes from past interviews they know who I am and know this location. We had this thing flying over most of the summer, until I mentioned it here, and then it has disappeared or at least it is timing me to not be visible when I am out doing chores.

That is quite the Merrry Dronemas and is one of the baffling things about being me, in I do not break the law, urge others to always pay their taxes and obey all the laws, and yet for the information provided here, I get all this intention.
Today's flight was north south. Most of the summer the drone was flying east to west, and as nothing is out here, this is the location they are fixing on, which means popular girl, We have watched this drone bank and turn and move in like manner and it seems to vacate the area fast when we see it.

For those who need clarification, this is not those toys you can buy. This is an aircraft that costs taxpayers tens of millions of dollars, and from the way this thing behaves, it is acting like it is lighter than air which it can not be. I know they have zero gravity skins on advanced aircraft which is expensive and would indicate as this toy is expensive, someone with real power is live streaming cows eating bales, cats eating crackers and birds at the feeder, as that is about all that goes on around here, except the buildings trying to fall down outside.

No need to be troubled by it though as I at least see my friends while most of you are in bliss thinking your data is not being collected. I would think it would be easier to just read the blog, but apparently someone likes seeing me in my boober hat and boots. I will admit that Daisy is pretty and Moo is very attractive, as Belle enjoys putting on her cow eye face.

I must be posting things that are still getting the attention of the lords and priests. Just an odd world in I thought the drones were gone and then one pops up again.


Nuff Said
