As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was reviewing what happened in Yellow Vest France.
OK the French who Manny Macron lied to, put on yellow vests........never mind that they look yellow green to me in color, but they are some safety vests all cars have to have in them. and someone is paying for them.......and they did the following:
- They stopped traffic.
- They lit some fires.
- They spray painted French things.
This was done to them then for doing the above.
- The police beat up an old guy in his wheelchair.
- The police dragged a woman down the street by her hair.
- The police blew off the hand of a person firing grenades at the yellow vests.
- The police tear gassed the yellow vests.
- The police arrested some of them.
- The police shot them with rubber bullets.
Oh yeah, somehow 10 of the protesters got killed. I think most of them got run over by French drivers who panicked for a reason only the French could figure out. I mean they got goddamn Muslims raping and murdering them and French people do nothing but enjoy it, but put a yellow vest on and the French go phobic and start running people over.
Anyway for standing around, spray painting stuff and getting beat up, Manny Macron did this
- The protesters got overtime taxes wiped out.
- The protesters got that Paris Accord tax off their fuel.
- The protesters got an increase in the minimum wage.
- The protesters got their year end bonuses exempted from taxes.
I admire the French People. The French leaders are, well pick Canada, United States, England and you ugly sick get the same image of how horrid they are in betraying people. The thing is the French gathered up and actually got rid of their Obamacare, got a real tax deduction and got a real raise in pay, instead of border invaders getting American jobs.
Yeah the French out shined all those Anglos top to bottom.
I wonder if real protests were engaged in across Canada for them to take their country back, in England for the English to end Londonstan or for that matter the United States to begin MAGA what would happen?
I mean if 80 million armed Americans showed up in all the state capitals, shut down the borders, the airports, and shut down Washington DC, painting things, and as the French learned, wearing gas masks against Macron gas and wearing body vests for rubber bullets, if Obamacare would end, if taxes would be cut, if elections would stop being stolen, if witch hunts would end, and things like baby butchering, sodomy and alien invasion would end.
I mean I don't get it in the French burn some cars and paint a statute and Macron hides in his palace and gives the Yellow Vests everything they want. It was almost like someone else was orchestrating these protests to cripple France.
The Nazi would not have needed gas chambers for Jews with Macron around.
He would have bored 6 million Jews to death.
I figure in the United States, as for some reason Donal Trump has not called for protests like Ronald Reagan called on his supporters to pass the Reagan Reforms, that the cops would be gassing, shooting and stomping millions of Conservative Christian Patriots and putting them into concentration camps, with Donald Trump silent as a mouse.
It just seems odd that President Trump has not called for protests for MAGA and protecting him, while Manny Marcon will give anything a protester wants for doing nothing.
Seriously, this was not the Revolution with piles of heads from the guillotine. Macron was not in danger. Everyone knows he sucks in France and they hate him, but the French feel that way about allot of things, so what was the big deal about some paint and people sitting in the street.
Macron has no problem slaughtering Russians in Syria to crushing Donald Trump's hand, but it come to Yellow Vests and he goes limp.
I am all for the spontaneity of the Yellow Vests, because that is what they were forced to wear in their cars. I would think though that in America they could get some kind of John Wayne double breasted shirt as their symbol.
See that would be pleasant and if the police state shot everyone down, who would not want to die wearing a John Wayne shirt?
The English could wear the Mad Bama, as the Queen likes them Muslim coloreds and the fact is the English have lots of turban heads, just the French have vests.
The Canadians could wear beanies as they all have them like they keep bottles of beer around like 3rd worlders keep lice. Of course I do not know if the Canucks know how to protest as I don't think there was a protest in Canada since that Father of Manitoba, thee American, Louis Riel was hung by Ottawa for speaking emancipation and liberty.
Anyway I doubt we will find out as the Anglos appear not like the French, and Sebastian Kurz has them bagged already, so no sense in wasting bullets, bobby sticks and beer as the Anglos are neutered by soy milk.
Who wold have thought that the French in Yellow Vests would trump a John Wayne double breasted.
Nuff Said