Saturday, December 1, 2018

Justified by Action

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am having major lessons proven to me in the death of my mother, and it something that Joe related to me in an email as much as the Viking in his situation, in why is it that all of these evil people are living in luxury while poor people are suffering.

Jesus spoke of this plainly in definition in the rich have their reward in this life. That is what they chose before they got here, and apparently a tard like me held her hand up when all the good lives were taken for Saints and I said, "Here am I, want that real shitter of a life that stinks like dog ate a dinosaur, sick from eating Mexican taco, and will shit for a year on me, that is what I want God".
In hindsight, I think I should have ordered the dog that shit the salmon.

As of this moment, the Puntz has settled down, is playing more, peeing on TL's things in marking TL as her property, and came out when we got home from the lawyers, meaning whatever was here has been banned in Jesus and is not scaring Puntz any more. She is pooping too in turds, not puddles. So much for the mother claiming she was not feeding that cat. I have no idea where that stash was, but it apparently is gone, and was probably the last act that woman did on her own when we were out for a walk.

Speaking of rich people though, that is the short of it, in they have their reward now. Granted it is written in Scripture, that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, but all things are possible with God, but it is also written that Jesus will deny them at the Judgment for not taking care of other people who were in need and they will go away with illusions weeping and gnashing their teeth. Lamenting their delusions and sneering at Christ for being wrong.

LC - I feel your pain.  I can't tell you my stories as I don't need
the govt banging on my door.

All I can say is I relate to your post on so many levels.  Emotions,
frustrations, rich liberals, rich conservatives who won't donate,
sucky family, ass kissers, trying to do the right thing and getting
burned, over and over and over, corrupt politicians, sucky
backstabbing "friends", loser bosses who get paid tons of money,
unloving people in church, entitled younger generation, tight wads in
church, etc...  yet God instructs us to love and forgive and not
judge. (I fail at all 3)

I have had a hard life but no one really wants to hear about it.  i
have very bad health and nearly died yet people really don't want to
hear about that either. especially my own family.

Yet I see tons of non believers - actually God haters - and their
lives seem to be rich and full of life. going on expensive vacations
to europe and asia and cruises, living in gorgeous homes, fancy cars,
good family, good friends,  hmmmm...  not that i want the life of
prosperity but I am tired of being sick and poor.

Lucky I have a wonderful God fearing significant other so we can help
each other out on this journey.

hang in there - i am praying for you and TL.  will try to send a bit
more so you can save up and get your electric heater for the winter.

Heavenly Father, I pray that you will send your angels to protect and
comfort LC and TL in their time of need. Life on earth is a grind - I
know you have them in the palm of your hands.  Help them put on your
full armor as I'm sure they are being attacked by the spiritual forces
of evil in the heavenly realms.    Let your light shine upon them and
lighten the heavy load that is burdening them.  Give them a burst of
your energy and joy.  We praise you and honor you and may Jesus be
glorified by the good work that they are doing.   In Jesus name -

That is the one thing I am being made aware of in my brier patch vacuum and that is how many people are suffering in America, who are good people, doing good, and they are plagued by the same self righteous types who can not spend enough money on themselves and claim they have nothing for others.

I was thinking about that today in an Aunt who burned up her husband. She bought a new SUV after the funeral.  That of course if frugal in why spend it on the dead when she could enjoy a new vehicle which she had no need of.
I though was not frugal and spent money on the best funeral I could arrange to produce a fiction for mom and a healing for most of the people there who were forced to be there like my sisters who had nothing to do with her for over a decade. Yes I am a real bitch in I have started sowing the seed of their not helping in key people and once that gets around, there is nothing that is going to ever restore the fiction of their reputation.

I have already been offended in some family friends sent a card to my brother, but nothing here, and that address was from my sister.  The people who have contacted me have been genuine, but this couple just makes me wonder just how much credit my sister was taking for the funeral, as there is something strange about all of this, but then it is the rich who know their guilt, and they think if they can create a fiction, that will of course say it all.
I just know that we had a 90 plus year old neighbor dig out 5 bucks for Mom from the nursing home and write me a card, and yet I have witnessed few of these relatives who can afford things, even acknowledge this death.

I do not have the energy to get angry over any of this. I do though have Christ's Word that these rich people, on the blog and not, are well aware of what mom's poverty was and what my situation is in life, as I have posted about it enough here, and they will never be justified to God.

That is important as that is Christ's Word in the example of the religious and the rich who left an injured person on the road and the Good Samaritan, the dregs of society was the only one who did the right thing. The word to the rich person was JUSTIFIED. There are only two words for people, one is RIGHTEOUS, meaning you are correct with God and the other is JUSTIFIED, meaning by their actions they are proven to be Christs. You are Righteous for believing God. You are Justified by accomplishing His caring for others. Both of those definitions though if not fulfilled, erase the Salvation Grace of Christ. Jesus forgives sins which are not deliberate, but when you are deliberately not doing good to the least of people, you are not Christ's. You are a fraud and that does not gain you access to Grace.

While mom was not rich, she did prove that all things are possible with God to save people who are prayed for. If we had not been held here against our will, she would have died on a Saturday on the 27th of October, when we found her literally wedged on her back in Puntz's kitty litter box. Hell of a way for a sinner to go, and I thought she was going to die that night when I got her up, as she did the same vomit action as when she did die. We simply got home soon enough so she did not perish. In that God removed the evil wills affecting mom and allowed her to be the sweet little girl she always should have been. She though was reverting again to being influenced by evil thoughts and with that God spared her hell, and ended it. He saved her through us and I praise Him for it, but this continuous explosion of debts that keep cropping up because of her has wiped all sympathy and sentimentality from me. I agree it is better she was saved, but I am still paying for that and I need God to move the rich to prove they are what they claim to be, and Justify themselves before Christ by donating generously here and to the needy in their sphere of vision.

I personally try to block all the wailing I hear in the future of these rich people who do not donate and all of these people who could donate, but think they are getting away with things. I do not like being a witness concerning mom or a witness against these rich people by my voice in the wilderness here.
It saddens me what is coming on them, and is amplified by the anguish I have been experiencing in this soul rape. It is though what people choose and it is fair and that is the last thing these people will want is Christ being fair with them, exposing how heartless they really are.

What kind of denial awaits daughters who do noting with an old woman for a decade? It is in the Bible as they it in pews each Sunday. It is all in the Bible for rich people, and  the lesson is you are Justified by Actions, not words, as talk is cheap.

St. Luke

  30 And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.
 31 And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.
 32 And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side.
 33 But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him,
 34 And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.
 35 And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee.
 36 Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?
 37 And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.

 Nuff Said
