Sunday, December 9, 2018


We will have our Government before the Germans have theirs.
Chancellor elect - Sebastian Kurz - December 2017 AD in the year of our Lord


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is remarkable to observe the dynamics of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, for as he moves to inclusion of Jewry to his government for the protection of Jerusalem by Europe, in the next breath at Advent, the Chancellor is extolling the virtues of the adhesion of Christian religion in the bonding together of all Europe.

8h8 hours ago
Vielen Dank für den wichtigen Beitrag für ein gutes Miteinander in unserer Gesellschaft und für die heutigen Gespräche!

From the start of the epic rise of Sebastian Kurz, the Cardinal of Austria has  been a prominent and welcome confidant of this most dynamic leader.
The American religions leader Herbert Armstrong once noted that the Vatican in Catholicism was the glue which held any European empire together, transcending the ethnic separation of peoples, the Chancellor has seized upon this reality in uniting the Christian sects, to preach from the pulpit the message of greater Europe.

It was Mark Twain, another American, who in writing the memoirs of Joan of Arc, understood that the Dauphin or Prince had to be crowned King, because once Louis was King, Louis was leader of the French Catholics, and from that point on, every Priest would tell his congregation that Louis was their King, and  the Priest's word was absolute, and Louis would lead a united France, no matter what English intrigue could foment in control of Normandy.

There has not been one detail this Chancellor has left undone. He perfectly has become thee most accomplished European President in Europe's history. He has built the foundation for a European Super State to lead the world for 1000 years in just a few months. He is remarkable in his quiet ascension to such greatness.

The Muslims will feed Sebastian Kurz with oil. The Jews will bank upon the Chancellor, and, the Christians will place the leadership upon his head from every pulpit.

- Lame Cherry

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
