Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas Donald Trump, Give Yourself a Border Wall

Donald, I thought you German Republicans had ballsacks
the size of bull moose in rut!!!!


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As this is Christmas, this is my gift to the wonderful President Donald Trump.

From the time before Abraham Lincoln, the United States had envisioned a canal for their international shipping in Central America. Lincoln was going to deport the Nigger to hot Panama to be rid of them and give them an occupation of building his canal. Lincoln though could not accomplish this from the grave, so the canal had to languish until it became the global vision of United States projection of power in President Theodore Roosevelt.

 Theodore Roosevelt was a wonderfully farsighted leader in he moved to kill off all the wolves, mountain lions, coyotes and grizzlies in the lower 48 so that only civil animals remained to not endanger Americans nor their property.  He also built the Panama Canal and included this infamous story of Presidential Authority.

"I ordered the Panama Canal built, knowing that if I waited for Congress, they would debate and the canal would be delayed. By ordering it's construction, the canal was built and Congress still was debating it, so I achieved two results which I intended".

President Theodore Roosevelt.

This is why Donald Trump is Border Wall Pussy, in he either never intended to build this wall, only intended it as a political hammer, or is too timorous to be President and order the Trump Wall built and let Congress do what Congress does in selling itself as a whore to communist conglomerates as the members moan loudly.

 No Donald, stay back, it is only 5 politicians.
I will beat the bully hell out of them for you.

The President has every authority to engage in military action, build projects and order action for the executive, and Congress has the authority to fund those orders. President Trump should have ordered the Wall built by the military construction battalions in the defense budget as a military operation for the security  of the United States, an operation which should be built on the Mexican side of the border 10 miles in. No US land should be wasted on this Mexican problem. Period.

That is why this blog does not allow you to be snowballed in this winter season in this WWE theater. Donald Trump could have and still can order this wall built exactly as Theodore Roosevelt did. It should be built in Mexico as that land is North Texas  and equal to Panama being liberated from Columbia.

It is evident that Donald Trump never intended for this wall to be built, until the slave invaders had crossed the border, and the wall will then be part of a system to keep this fodder inside the United States. That is a separate issue, as this issue is not Rush Limbaugh wailing about Trump and authority to build a wall, as the proof is Teddy Roosevelt did just that. Just as John Kennedy did just that in ordering a space program to put a man on the moon. Leaders of American vision do just that as landmark's of their presidency.

Rush Limbaugh: President Trump Already Has Constitutional Executive Authority to Build Border Security Wall Without Congress

Why Donald Trump is Border Wall Pussy is irrelevant, as the relevancy is Donald Trump should have ordered this wall built his first day in office and then arrested every judge that tried to stop him from fulfilling his Presidential Authority.
That arresting the treacherous is what Abraham Lincoln was most gifted at, but he was a tyrant with a purpose.

I would appreciate if Donald  Trump was more tyrant and less Twitterphile.

Merry Christmas Mr. President, from the Orphan Girl of the Brier Patch, facing financial ruin from your Obama / Gary Cohen financial rapine, when all I wanted was enough money to have a home of our own.

Donald, my advice is have your wife wear fur, 
go shoot a bull elephant and be President for Americans
or someone else will be a Pence lackey for the world.

Nuff Said
