Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Cherry Girl Schnapps

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You know, well of course you do not know this unless you are clarvoyant, and then what would you be reading the blog for if you knew more than me, which is impossible, and in that we come back to, You know, TL and I were making genuine Red Eye, the German Schnapps a few weeks ago and I got to thinking, that there had to be an easier way to get Shmores Booze, as that is what Red Eye tastes like in toasted marshallows.

So I was thinking coming home with a bottle of Everclear that there should be a recipe to create a brown sugar syrup, and then the Holy Ghost said, "Ah you make syrup for pancakes with 1 cup sugar, 1 cup water and 1 cup brown sugar, so isn't that a recipe?"

I said, "Yes" and off we went concocting our own Cherry Girl Schnapps".

The thing is when  TL was done dissolving 1 cup of white sugar, into 1 cup water, and adding 4 cups of brown sugar, adding 5 more cups of water, that what we discovered is that we had Red Eye, but in a milder caramelized flavored form.

It pisses me off when I look online and see all these recipes and experts and none of these scheizens have a photo of their supposed Red Eye or ever hint at what this stuff is supposed to taste like. So I think Red Eye is something all of these faux Germanics say they make and none of them have ever made. They like being experts but are full of horseshit.

The thing we found is real Red Eye has a  little red tinge to the brown caramel color. The Cherry Girl does not have that red hint to finished product. It is though the case that we have by God's Grace created a product which is much easier to make, is more mild and we can turn this out in 15 minutes, with less danger involved in melting sugar.

That was those German Russians though, and my stock is out of the Oldenburg Germans, the Saxons, and I got a Prussian thing going on too from Mom's side of the family but it was not like they were ever boozers. I don't think those people ever smiled as it was a sin and having fun was not smiling. Schnapps would not have been something they would have ever gotten involved with.

I have a story in this thought that Grampa used to make moonshine, and he offered some to his dad, who said it was the best he had  ever had. Grampa did not dare tell him he was the maker, as drinking booze was acceptable even when the government outlawed it, but making it was a sin.

That is why I love making wine and other things, as my Grampa enjoyed it, and it is in my genes.

This though is Cherry Gal Schnapps. I think we have about 2 gallons of this stuff with the Red Eye, which I doubt even with sundowners that TL and I are going to dent that. Then again it will be a good test to how it ages.
For nostalgia I think this would be a good gift to Germans, but then again most Germans would blink blankly and not appreciate the history of it, as they probably they thought they were all hatched when Obama appeared on the sands of Hawaii.

That is about all I have on this subject, but am wondering how it will be chilled as someone was drinking it warm as we mixed it into bottles, as why on earth wait for things to cool off  as I might have discovered Hot Schnapps not roasting by an open fire.

As a warning, I just noticed, I am getting schnapps warm, and that is 45 minutes after the partaking. Best watch this stuff as it's solar effect appears to appear after the setting of the sun.

That was about enough said.

What do you think I am a barmaid paid to make small talk.

Nuff  Said.
