Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Jewmas

Christmas in Bethlehem Is the Biggest in Years

The Knesset passed a bill designed to protect Arab Christians who enlist in the Israeli army.  The law, which includes an extended prison sentence for anyone who tries to dissuade a Christian Arab from serving in the IDF, became necessary in the face of stiff opposition and violent attacks against the Christian soldiers.

Arab Muslims attacking Arab Christians

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am going to preface this with that Philistine children are abused by Islamocommunist propaganda which moves them to violent acts, due to the repression of  the Jews of Tel Aviv, making their a ghetto hell which destroys all dreams
The Muslim leadership offers no outlet, lest they would lose their power. A child there gets fed and clothed there to be fodder. The same realities are in Chicago.

With that stated, on this Christmas, this is Jewish rule in the Holy Land adulterated with Muslim rule

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan Indoctrinates Youth With Lies: ‘Jews in Israel Kick Women and Children’ [Maybe He Meant Muslims in Any Middle Eastern Country]




These same images were created in Gush Katif when Jewish American settlers were removed from Philistine controlled lands along with their businesses. The Tel Aviv remedy was Russian immigrant IDF as they will beat the bajesus out of anyone.

This is what your American tax money is propping up, and creating new terrorists and providing propaganda to established Muslim regimes.

The American Evangelicals blindly condoning this type of inhumanity are guilty of sin. I will state again that for what the United States has wasted in IDF support, America could have purchased all Philistine lands, settled them in Sinai to end the interaction with Jews, and there would have been peace. But just like the sham of Trump Wall or Chicago Violence, THERE IS MONEY in this. If the Jews did not have the Muslims  to exploit, the Jews would not be getting the billions in US Aid. The Muslims milk the same Saudi OPEC funds as a front against IDF nuclear weapons which Muslim regimes can not take head on

It is a complicated issued, but remember Oh Little Town of Bethlehem in this Christmas reality.

For more of a reality, maybe it is time that Chancellor Sebastian Kurz of Austria, establish a European military presence in the region, enforce a peace and let the Jews wail on Temple Mount as the Vatican is worshiped there, because America is being robbed in this and it is a money making interest to make this generational violence.
Jared Kushner solved nothing in this and Donald Trump accomplished nothing in Syria, but now handing it over to Turkish al Qaeda as  John McCain and Barack Obama's ISIS who are Kurds are being abandoned.

Nuff Said
