Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The Vote of the Rifle

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In a continuing study to the prelude to world wars, John Keegan of England begins in the 19th century, for strangely enough, the industrial exploitation of humanity, actually created an Christian environment of better social welfare in food, medical, housing and quality of goods, following education and the exposure to other in barracks of the military unit, which welded together a nationalism, replacing the old order of the feudal lord forcing the serving class  to go fight wars to repress his people.

There was one invention in all of this that linked Conscription with Representation and that was the rifle. Suffrage for all men began with the invention of the implement of war in the smokeless powdered bolt action rifle.
The epic design of this came from Herr Mauser in Germany, and what followed in the Mauser 1898, would become the British Enfield in 303 and the American 30 40 Krag, followed by the Springfield Armory, 30.03 which became the 30 caliber of 1906 AD in the year of our Lord.
Thomas Carlyle summed it up for all nations of manhood in the  Rifle made all men stand tall. A regime could not repress a people easily as Queen Victoria discovered with the Boer in South Africa with their bolt action hunting rifles. The heavy lumbering musket of the single shot Martini, could not compete when it came to long distance farmers shooting 400 to 1000 yards.

The British Rifle Volunteers dressed not in scarlet red, but in country tweeds and khaki became the color of  volunteer service. Each nation had their German Schutzen, their Austrian Jager, their French chasseurs, all based upon the Teddy Roosevelt Rough Riders.
200,000 Brits responded to Tennyson's poems in joining militia service.

These were all free men in belief. They were armed with state of the art weapons and each believed they would win, and each nation due to expansion had millions of these lethal men available to  be  their diplomats. 10 million of  these diplomats would be slaughtered on world war battlefields as none of them would yield and all would fight with a tenacity never before witnessed in history.
Military campaigns were once a matter of major battles, massive defeats and retreats. In the world wars. there were massive battles, but the retreats were not of losers, but of men slugging it out stubbornly in being forced back. Every inch of world war battlefield was earned with volumes of blood and of guts. Free men with their rifles, were protecting all they were as men. This was for their vote and their decision to live freely in their native land This was not a war of king or ideology, but wars of free men and their rifles.

Liberty, equality and fraternity were the forces at work in world  wars. It was not as you have been told of despots and tyrants. This was a war of a warrior class, 100 years in the making and perfecting.

In World War I, the German first stalemate at the Marne, brought about the war of years of slaughter. The Germans won the contest in the Second World War, but lost the second battle for France via miscalculations in the immensity of Russia. In the second battle of the Marne, Germany acquired all she had contested and was one battle away from winning the first world war, but five months later she had lost due to the political intrigue of leftists from within as the Rifleman simply returned home to his land.

This is what Adolf Hitler railed againt and generated the second offensive called World War II. The world is facing a new charter in this, in the Fourth World War, as the same lines are being drawn and Europe is in the throws of ridding itself of Russian and American energy slavery. The European is seeking to unburden itself from costly American debt in US Dollar trade of exchange. The costs to Europe after 70 years of American military welfare is now one where Europe has decided she can arbitrate at the barrel of a gun and at a cash register at a better price than America, and Russia is deemed an acceptable risk on the Eastern Front.

In the Fourth World War, the components will be America holding onto past power, Anglo Britain fomenting another Continental war where she will prevail untouched, and France moving in intrigue, and the Germans with the Russians contending as friction for a war breaks out, as Russia will deem itself betrayed.

What is an interesting dichotomy of this, is the first world war which was the 7 Years War in Europe or the French and Indian War in America, was a war of the old feudal system of standing armies meant to repress at home and abroad. From this massive debt spawned the American and French Revolutions, which progressed the Rifleman Voter, who was hijacked by patriotism by the same feudal lords for two world wars and minor wars for profit and intimidation, through industrialization, which has transcended a new world war, one without the Citizen, as the weaponry is so massive and computerized that the few may now wage war on the masses in obliterating them, as votes nor being armed no longer matters, as the world centralized to the same fiefdoms of past empires, which have hijacked free peoples by criminalizing them and in a welfare military conglomerate state, the few now have a direct access to national treasuries to bankrupt them and appoint their own presidents and prime ministers. There is neither check nor balance. There simply is a system of the few rationing few liberties to the many in propaganda in telling them they are free to indulge in self destruction, which is the valve to keep a revolution from erupting.

With conventional weapons, 100 people can wreck more havoc and murder upon the world in a few weeks than in two world wars. Add weapons of mass destruction which are the rifles of the neo feudal few and they can in seconds erased 1000 times the number of 10 million dead in four years of a great European War.

What has now engulfed the world is not democracy mob rule, but autocracy mob ruled, with the mob being no more than a cancer to profit off of the body politic, until it is cauterized in genocide by a radiation treatment.

- Lame Cherry

This is the end of civilization in this phase of humanity. A psychopathic order has emerged which feeds  upon humanity like a large predator viewing everything a human does as something to benefit it. War has changed by the essence of the machine, it has evolved past the club to the head, but to the WMD to entire continents. The fact is though when the next war consumes the fodder, that even the immortals will be left with one cloth of the land to one ivory tower bunking child. The one will still die, but the other will not be afforded that death being immortal and thereby trapped without escape.

Our next war will be like none other. It will not be fought, but it will be died over in volume, without one vote for it.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matterr].

Nuff Said
