Monday, December 10, 2018

Stonehenge Way

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am supposed to be working, or I should explain that as, I just finished a post for the 21st in the German theme being progressed, and sat down with TL to take a break as this Holy Ghost generating creative things still tires me inside out.
It does though provide me a platform to thank everyone for the kindness they have shown me and to touch base as  sometimes I overlook things.

LC, My condolences on your mother. Although late I did not want to send it without a donation. I would love to send this with many more zero's added. Thank you and God Bless you

It is hard to believe in this whirlwind that it will be three weeks since mom died, and left me the orphan. People like to think the world stops when they die or that your tragedy is somehow will make the world stand still, but that is never the case. I find myself marking time in we finished up whipped cream from the Pecan Pie, the last one mom ate, and I checked our fuel and we only used 4% this past week in the stove seems to never shut down.

TL and I both woke up with a feeling of anxiety and being drained. That was odd as we have kept draining influences in check, and as mom was the last tap root draining our lives and she died, it was puzzling. What it apparently was not a future event for us, but a certain coming world leader who was in anxiety over some popular girl exposing his plans. That Balkan post really got their attention. Odd when we commanded it to stop, it felt like it winked inside both TL and myself and dissipated. Never had that happen before, but then I have never played with the anti Jesus before either.

We made Red Eye tonight. First time. That is German Schnapps via the Russian Germans of North Dakota. It is pretty, and I hope to do a post about it, but that is about all I know of it, as we have not gotten to consuming phase.I hope to be in the Christmas Spirit to bake things. Not feeling much like it, but you did see my mother of all Santa's which I could not resist that is hanging on the door. That makes me feel better as we never had chit growing up. Worse than the Waltons in those homemade ornaments or crappy old Christmas cards. They might be some dead old woman cast away Christmas stuff, but it makes me feel better with large decorations like MoS.

Apparently me harping about HAARP is helping some of North America out. The South is getting precip, but that is because of the cold  up north. Got to sell Mr. President's oil and  gas, but the geniuses  who robbed the people all summer with high gas, kept Obamacare looting things and kept Obama record taxes, just discovered there is not any money for Christmas shopping.

TL is making me some DVD's off of public downloads. That pleases me greatly as I have all I want in the TL present as God really picked a good person to put up with me.
When I gather more intelligence on TL's family, I hope to post on that theater, as they are a mess, and the damned thing is, their lives are what they are, because they got exactly the lives they wanted.

Anyway, the Puntz is doing better without toxic mom around feeding her, only the devil knows what. Her intestines are not sore, and she has started going in the box and not leaking on the bed cover. We like to play now in the last few mornings it has been from 5 until around 8, a sort of sleepless in brier patch as Poot is bored and comes over and claws me, and if I do not respond, we crawl onto my pillow.

I have to make an oil change appointment for the pick up, the shop almost blew up last year in running out of oil. I would wait, but in taxes I have to have proof of mileage. I wonder about all of this, but the plan is to do that........but I have to wait for the plumber till tomorrow to fix a faulty faucet as I think the new water heater is not trying to be a steam engine and flying the shack to the moon.

I actually have had more of you express kindness to me, than the people around here. We buried mom so quick that I don't think word got around. Most people no longer get the local paper, miss the obits on the radio and never check online. Plus I think the wicked sisters were allowing people to believe they were the godsends in doing all things, so that takes care of a number of things. That is sort of a warning to people who do choose a quick burial, that while I like the graveside service, getting word out is not the most effective. I still would rather have it this way, as I dislike being around gawking people. Is just some people I would have liked to have heard from, might not know what happened.

I swore I was  not putting in a garden this year without a place of our own and a necessary tractor, but now I am contemplating food bills in  our lessened funds. It is all priorities in for what it cost to bury mom I could have traded off the pickup for a new model. I told TL that I was not getting much benefit out  of that casket and might have to take it out for a test drive. Things like that is why TL says TL loves me, as I say the most sacrilegious things a dozen times a day, often without thinking.
I learned as a kid that you probably better laugh at things or go nuts or kill yourself. So I  use humor to make people laugh. In these days it almost has to be the most exaggerated to get someone's attention. I know TL has told me that TL says things now that TL never would have thought of or dared since being around me. We do laugh allot and without the mother here putting things in upheaval several times a day, it is more peaceful for us, as my main concern has always been protecting TL, as I never dreamed a situation like this would ever have manifested. It is a point of warning though to all, if you have a person who has a caustic personality, thinks they are more Christian than others,  add people who hate me, and their toxic nature feeds into a willing person making them worse.
Those bad wills were almost a life of their own, and if mom came through here they came like a bull to a red flag and the residue of mom's caustic nature was still drawing things in, until I dissipated it all.  As I have stated there is real hatred for me from readers and those that did not want TL and I together, along with the wicked sisters. Just was one more thing we did not need in things being unsettled.

I guess  I should somehow get back to work. I wonder how long it is going to require to recuperate from all of this. Not fortunate to have anti Jesus tapping in. I am yawning and still have 3 hours to go, so better shake the cob webs out.

Oh I had a sip of Lemon flavored Canada Dry. That chit is toxic to me. Don't know what the hell that stuff is, but I do not recommend it if you do not want to die, and I doubt if 7 UP will be donating here after that review.


God bless you for being good to me.

Nuff Said
