Monday, December 10, 2018

Manny Macron even sucks by French substandards

Even by the low standards of the French, this guy really sucks!
He's like the Manny Antoinette of cake eaters.....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With Paris burning down, President Manny Macron, appeared from the walls of his bunker to address the French People, and offered them bribes, so they would not guillotine him. Here is a synopsis of Manny Macron leading the French.

Bonsoir, Rioters of France. I am happy to announce that you will be getting a raise in your wages for your efforts, overtime tax is nullified and have ended the Paris Accords tax.

I appeal to all the Yellow Vests that my hiding from you is not from fear,
but because it takes time to change laws to bribe you.

Let me say here that I will not yield to violence and my policies stand unaltered.
But let me show you the good you have accomplished.


You burned a smart car, and showed how green they really are, in they cost 100,000 euro
and when they are done there is nothing left as they are all cardboard. 

You have burned Paris and have not raised the temperature one bit,
so in that  I am not your enemy, but fire is, as it is not serving you.

 So my Rioters, we have something in common in you did not like
me stealing your money, and fire is not serving either of us at all.

Does it not bother you as French that the Americans are laughing at us?
I know they always laugh at us, but doesn't it bother you that it is now
at my expense?

If you will help me stop the Americans laughing, I promise all rioters
the Muslim right to rape anyone over the Christmas holidays.

This can be very enjoyable as I am wed to a pedophile child
molester and it keeps me from burning down the palace allot.

Manny did you just promise your Patriots a rape holiday?
The Muslims do not like sharing their frog pussy.


Wait my Rioters, I misspoke. I meant to say you could fondle the dead
in French mortuaries until Christmas is over.


Do not think I fear your guillotine as I am not hiding behind
80,000 armed state police.

Mon ami Donald, do you think you could save me by dropping
some nuclear bombs on my Rioters, for the love of  Thomas Jefferson?

So my Rioters, you have not forced me to bribe you, as I do not 
fear you, and have done this because I am French like you....

Laconnerie!!! We need a real leader for the French People!!!
Historically, the Germans lead the French better than the French,
so the Chancellor has gladly agreed to save me and protect the French
from me.
