Thursday, December 27, 2018

The Emancipator of Modern Warfare is Nuclear Pollution

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Modern warfare is a creature which can conquer nations with a few thousand, but it still requires hundreds of thousands to hold that ground.

- Lame Cherry

There is a reality in modern warfare created by the Americans, that technology with precise firepower in conventional weapons, will win wars. The difficulty is though that the occupation of that ground, still requires hundreds of thousands in order to dictate an order, or insurrection appears.
Until the time of robotic sentries and drones, which in combination will hover like a plague over a conquerred peoples in terrorizing them into submission, with the most brutal of absolute ends in deadly enforcement, the reality is that modern warfare of America has generated two dichotomies.

The first is small armies with advanced firepower win wars, while at the same time hinder the peace, because the politician and generals neglect the necessity of the necessary strength to intimidate and brutalize the conquered peoples.

The second is that technological conventional firepower is  priced to a bankruptcy of nations when deployed against nations with with millions of soldiers, so the technology is  neutralized by sheer numbers. The more efficient the killing machine, the more quickly it degrades and the certainly it's expensive deployment kills the host nation by bankruptcy.

In the 21st century warfare, the majority if nations have emulated the American Quick Strike response as Shock and Awe, made religion in the halls of Peking and Moscow. Again the problem with the American mode of warfare is Vietnam as much as Afghanistan proved that massive conventional firepower yields victory and the in the occupation, produces defeat.

In this modern warfare, the solution to what is Americanism is the same solution to what is Asianism, and that is weapons of mass destruction.
A focused example of this would the the German Reich's war in Soviet Russia in World War II. If the Germans would have deployed nuclear solutions, the concentrated masses of Soviet military would have been neutralized. Germany would not have expended itself on Russia, but Russia would have been consumed by German scorched atomic bombs.
In every case of this in projection to the modern example, is the reality that the neutralization of technological armies is EMP to swat away their advanced war making equipment, and the deployment of plutonium salting of troop  and munition concentrations to poison the enemy and the land, is what the next world war will evolve to.

Fittingly, the father of the American Human Nuclear Pesticide Bomb in the Neutron, Sam Cohen, foresaw the revelations of effectively dealing with terrorism in Aghanistan by using neutron bombs to kill al Qaeda. Cohen was not progressed by the Bush43 war policy, but Cohen was correct. The Terror Wars should have been fought with neutron bombs and been over within months, instead of decades for it bankrupted America and produced inconclusive results in using conventional warfare. The situation of war has never changed. War has always been the most cost effective way of slaughtering more of the enemy than they could slaughter of you, for victory.

It is in that, that the reality of World War IV, mounts to a stage of Russia, China, Europe and America. In each case, weapons of mass destruction are the evolutionary creatures which will appear.
For Europe, against a Russian advance, it will be a reality that concentrations of Russian forces will have to be nuclear poisoned in order to neutralize them.
For Russia in Europe, their conventional warfare will achieve victory in Europe, but in Russian emerging defeated in victory, Russia will have to retaliate with nuclear weapons to saturate the United States, and to fittingly dispose of European armies which Russia does not desire to have follow her dead troops back to Moscow.

For China, which is as special magnet, China must by EMP break the eyes, ears and senses of her American and Russian adversaries, or China will be consumed by conventional means. China simply can not march her armies or transport her armies to Alaska, as  there is not enough resource support to sustain invasions from China.  In paradox, Russia and the United States in conflict with China, can by coventional means strike Chinese food and fuel supplies to starve their cancerously large army to death. Barring that, China invites nuclear strikes to consume Peking's behemoth military in mass destuction.

In each of these arenas, the contingency is the illusion of convenational warfare, while the reality is the necessity of weapons of mass destruction, due to the fact that all militaries are downsizing and produce technological firepower. It is why conventional warfare is a loss for Russia and Moscow, fighting on American low numbered fast deployment. The shock and awe is the great diversion to Russia and China to fight an American war, instead of an Asian war in which Russia defeated Germany's technology in 1945 and China defeated American technology in 1953 and 1972.

The great emancipator is nuclear weaponry. Of course designer biological genetic weapons to even nano bot poisons, have their allure, but for military victory, to carry to the base population in terrorizing them into submission, requires a cause and effect, an immediacy of battle in knowing a battle was waged and all the soldiers are dead in a few days.  To nano poison, offers not any knowing of consequences and biologicals produce the same consternation of what really happened,  and it was not some act of God.

For that reason,when war comes, nuclear pollution will follow, as that is what the human mind understands in cause and effect.

For Russia to win in Europe, Russia's tank force will have to concentrate European forces and obliterate them with nuclear weapons before a counter attack could be assembled.

For Europe to win against Russia, Europe will have to nuclear pollute the Russian columns.

For the United States to defeat Russia or China, there must be a nuclear pollution of Asian troop concenrations.

For Russia or China to defeat America, it will require EMP's to destablize the base which supports the war machine, and then to nuclear pollute  the American ability to continue prosecution of the war.

It is the American Effect. America was so successful at precision warfare, which bankrupted it, that it limited the scope of global armies to precision warfare, which in turn produced a strategic evolution that left only nuclear warfare as the only solution to that successful beginning.

 Even if  this 21st century warfare advances to it's evolved state of robotic sentries and drones, the technology being so precise and lethal will require a doomsday reply, and that will have to be the established check in nuclear weapons.
Drones and sentries will be the mustard gas of the 22nd century and in order to nullify their use, the threat will be the use of nuclear mass destruction to end the use of specific concentrated weapons, capable like a disease in eliminating an entire population or military.

The emancipator of modern warfare is nuclear pollution.

Nuff Said


