Thursday, December 27, 2018

A Bandage For A Room Temperature Audition

Editor's Note: It is odd to read this, but when I composed it, I thought mom would live.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the taking care and recovery of our mother from her being a headstrong, stubborn, obstinate person, about equal to the non donors here who pretend they are christians, this blog always looking to be helpful provides the following information, as someday a Russian, Chinese, Mexican or whatever is going to nuke your home, blow off your limb or some other thing in all your security in a changing world war world, you probably will not realize your hospital will not be there, and you will not have any alternatives to going tits up, and having some dog eat your rotting corpse, after the family drags you out to the back yard.

Wounds of all kinds are all the same. Bandages for humans suck of all kinds. That is why when we had to deal with volumes of leakage from water retention, which would be like a bullet wound or a shrapnel wound, or radiation burns from a nuke, you need something that will not have you washing the towel, blankets and sheets as the running water will not be there.

We started out with what I picked up at the thrift store when some family was being kind for their geezer parents  they abandoned in purchasing diapers. The variety was Prevail. They worked very well for soaking up baby Moo calf piss in the house, and worked well on mom's lower calf leg, but they did not seal, would move, and that meant leaking in more problems.

I cut off a sock to use as bandage holder and that helped, but they still leaked. Hence Prevail is not a wound soaking bandage without leaking.

I came across Depends, in a value pack for 5 dollars. I trim them down from a underwear to a big bandage, and these things, when trimmed, and using sport's tape, have done very well in being held in place.

A long sock works from the bottom on the foot in holding in place, so when you catch a Chicom bullet, know that you probably should have purchased some as most people like to ignore pissing themselves, but never think of a wound bleeding out for weeks in how much fun that is.

Depends Mens


For a good under pad, the Hartz puppy pee pad is effective. This is all one time use stuff, but it does it's job. If you have minimum seepage, I have used some for several days. They "dry" out ok, look like hell on the edge, and then keep going for another night.

Hartz Puppy Pee

What I have been using on bruises and the blood serum areas is coconut oil, or lard. It is an anti fungal and it seems to help with bruising or bloodclots which is what bruising is. It is cheaper than Vitamin E oil, which is why I am using it, even if it is more expensive than  a rock.


I just used the cheapest generic, no need for brand names.

I estimate we drained 20 pints of fluid, before things lessened to about a pint a day. The majority from the fall in bruising was pink as it was blood as that is what bruising is. When it went back to the non bruised, the fluid was yellow colored, like the kind of fluid from a squeezed pimple or a cut. That is what healing serum looks like.

That is about it in this installment.

Nuff Said
