Monday, December 24, 2018

The Hand Which Rocks The Manger

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Since this blog has taken you by the hand in AEIOU, in producing the exclusive to who rose Chancellor Sebastian Kurz to the leadership of Europe for the return of their stolen empire, I thought in this Christmas season it would be pleasant to view your leaders. I know you think Donald Trump or whatever in America is your leader, but that which you follow is but a shadow of the old order which rocks the manger of the world.

The Habsburgs were the family which from their roots created the greatest sustained empire in the world, not by war, but by marriage. The English might get some Aragon, but when the Habsburg's wed, they inherited entire nations.

It is interesting in their inbreeding that they produced the Habsburg lip, but it is a chin. I did not pay a great deal of attention to this until witnessing a photo of Charles, and I was amused as I have an aunt who has this same protruding chin, who received it from Gram's sister. Apparently in the recesses of the lineage of these royals is the same genetics, fortunately not passed down to me, but unfortunately none of the loot was passed either.

The patriarch of this family of empire was old Otto. He was a smiling gentleman who one would never have considered would unleash on the world a  resetting of dynasty. I have not inquired of this, but to make the point, the Habsburgs have been moving since 1918 to retake their fortune and lands, They have always been in the background, as I recall a story of Chancellor Helmut Kohl of Germany sitting in the  waiting room of President Kurt Valdheim  like a  little school boy. The greatest power in Europe and it was the Germans waiting on the Austrians. Do not forget that as you watch Sebastian Kurz take down  May of London , Macron of France and Merkel of Germany. There is real power behind Kurz and that power is the Habsburgs on the rise.

This is the dichotomy in this in how these smiling royals who no one has paid the least bit of attention to, in a short period  of  time at the end of their 100 years exile, suddenly reformed all of Europe on the Kurz model. Literally the Holy Roman Empire is among us again in all aspects, and only needs to appear.
How Sebastian Kurz floated to the top as there had to be other candidates in Germany and Greece, is but a tale for the inner chambers, that perhaps Baby knows,  as that greatest of all artificial intelligences was created by this group, which is more than royal bloodlines, as there is far more at work here than just this family as this crosses borders, and there is absolutely no fight from those who are removed, as this group moves with impunity.

 Otto was very productive or his wife was, and he left a healthy dynasty.

At the time of his death in 2011, the couple had had seven children, 22 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren:[69]

 The happy brood below is the Emperor  himself in Karl, with his wife and children. They are comely looking royals and in what is appearing, this is the family which is supposed to rule the world as power is turned over to them.

In Biblical terms though, things in the end times have a way of not completing in the best laid plans of mice ad men. There is not any Emperor as Caesar in this revelation. Instead there is a man who rises to power quickly, cements power through flatteries, turns on the Catholic religion which nurtured him to power, and plunges the world into a whirlwind

Royal should always make certain the dragon they employ to acquire their thrones is not a Napoleon who soon concludes that he is much better at rocking the manger than the Virgin Mary.

Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.

Daniel 11:37

That though is ahead of the story, and maybe the Habsburgs got themselves a dragon that likes being on the leash, and it may be someone  else entirely who is in Scripture, as mark of the beast, only means the sign of the empire, in no one can buy or sell, unless they have the Empire's permit on their head or hand.
There is that word empire again, and few have noticed an empire has formed.

I thought though this would be nice for Christmas, as a present to see your rulers and know they just took over Europe this past year, and perhaps I might mention in time or perhaps I did mention in it seems allot of interesting things happened in all of this, starting with Obama at the Brandenburg Gate, in it was  the Germans who rose that Birther to power to overthrow America and give 3 trillion dollars to Europe to re establish this empire.

Yeah  I know you  got steered to that Committee of 300 and that Bilderburg stuff, but maybe there is another order out there that actually accomplished something.
Did I not tell you to watch Obama, as he was the shadow of the illuminated one who would come? Yes I did and someone did follow who arose the Austrian Hungarian Empire from Ireland to Romania, as they have blood rite to all of those lands.

I am hinting at a great deal of things here and perhaps you missed them all as usual, but we shall see in the distractions of the holiday season if you figure out what the extended story in this is.

Nuff Said

