Monday, December 24, 2018

The Christmas Fool

Schnapps Gute

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I preface this with the condemnation that I am  a shopper on a mission. I can go through a store top to bottom in a few minutes, while TL is a shopper with purpose that I hover over in covering the same ground I just flew by.

In stating this, I was moved to do something this year that I had never tried in making German Schnapps. It probably is because Sebastian Kurz is going to make Donald Trump his footstool and appoint Barron the Prince Regent of America in day to day affairs when the Habsburg girls make Colorado their private resort where they will spend their leisure time shooting beaners, running over dope head with ATV's and probably cooking up Coloradans for their pet Jagerhunds.

Well that is not where I expect this post to go, but I decided to celebrate things German as we would not have Christmas without the Lutherans in all their songs and Christmas things.

So we made German schnapps, and me being me, I was pissed off that we were drinking it from a thrift store tumbler which is fine for whiskey things, but when you have Hogan's Heroes on and Klink is sipping schapps from German crystal, you just sit there and think, this is not complete here in the brier patch.
So I looked online to see if something could be found cheap. Here is the news in nothing could be found period that reminded me of a liqueur glass I was once served in my youth that looked like a miniature wine goblet that was quite embarrassing, but that is what I thought Christmas would not be complete without.

So the thrift store is closed down indefinitely which left that out, as breaking into it, would probably gain me only free meals and bedding in the jail which is not exactly Christmas. So the Holy Ghost says,,,,,,,,,,'Dumkopf. (no He did not) how about that consignment store where things are too expensive?" I said, "That sounds like a great idea'", so TL and I went Sabbath day library and then stopped to see if this stinky place was open ,and it was.
Downstairs is my haven as they have all the pots and other outdoor things there, and we debated on some 1 dollar a piece fat Klink schnapps glasses were not at all what I wanted, but I could lie to myself that would make Christmas complete, because you got Baby Jesus Who needs a little boost as saving the world should have a schnapps glass.
As I am still typing and not struck by lightning or fire and brimstone, you do see Jesus has a sense of humor.

So we get a few of the unbroken glasses, trudge upstairs, but a buck Indian is in the way. I thought it was Jan Michael Vincent as he only had one leg. We waited as he had the movie O Brother, man them casino Indians  have money....they spent like 16 bucks on shit, and he was getting rehab at the white folks rehab place. I knew these Indians in their group as a few years ago, one of them killed another of the tribe and butchered the guy on the kitchen table. No such thing as tame Indians in the brier patch and I would not have it any other way, as it would be boring.

Anyway we got through to the back and I see more glassware, all cheap stuff that makes me frown as it is large or frosted or plastic, go back further and there is even worse stuff as I return to TL who is shopping, and I am thinking, "I already looked through this stuff and am disappointed, so let's go".
At that my best half says, "What about those glasses?"

Yes I need to be humiliated and I apologized twice to TL for my thoughts, and require being made a fool of for always being right, and there behind the rocking horse moose or deer or whatever that thing was I moved out of the way, was this 80 dollar china thing, an much to my absolute humiliation were the exact aperitif schnapps glasses I was lusting for or as I call them Klinkers.
I was stunned as God is a mystery to me in all we have been through, that He knew the journey which would bring me to the klinkers as He had put them there for me, but of course TL had to find them, as TL is the bright one who shops instead of blows through a store like a Cat 5 hurricane and .9.0 earthquake.

TL is very forgiving. TL hugged me at home and said,  "Would you like me to forgive you like your aunt did when your other aunt called her and told her about your mom dying", and then TL laughed, and I smiled an said TL was the only one who can say anything to me and I will smile.
At the after funeral gathering, TL called me a 'buttface" much to the shock of my nieces and nephews as that would have brought a death sentence they were sure. I barely noticed as Grampa said everyone needs someone to keep them in line, and TL is my line keeper and I appreciate it........well sometimes it takes awhile for me to reach that conclusion, but TL is the one who must be obeyed. I quote that and TL just laughs.

But now I have this big drama, real Shakespeare theater to relish in as I build our bridge to Schaappsburg. TL insists the lights will be off, the Christmas tree lights on, as we watch Bing Crosby or I watch Danny Kaye dance with that little blonde thiing as Rosemary Clooney I hope an avalanche carries her away, and there will sit the klinkers in the soft light, like works of art, filled with homemade Cherry girl schnapps and me being all happy in just looking at them, and contemplating the future moments when I sip from them, as of course it will taste so much better in these little glasses, as I think what God did in another Christmas miracle.
Yes shepherds get Angels in the sky and Baby Jesus, but God this Christmas was looking to top that in giving me baby schnapps glasses. No telling how many rich people He had to kill, and rich people he had to burden with expensive things to free up my klinkers. Yes that is are a real miracle as Caesar can rule the world and bankrupt it, but rich people have to die and really think they have great shit to screw people out of 5 schnapps glasses they have no idea what they are, to have them put them into the consignment store.

Amazing how many rich people will get shit this Christmas that will cost a fortune and be miserable, and I get made a fool of by God and have to apologize to TL over dead person klinkers and I am the most pleased child in the brier patch.

See you have to be a child at Christmas in your heart and all things are a wonder, even in God pointing out what a fool you are to make Christmas better as it would not have been as special if I had discovered the klinkers, but was perfect in TL made the discovery.

Oh Christmas is pretty things
Sparkling presents and diamond rings
But the thing that is Christmas cheer
Is the one that is from our heart's dear
For God, He gave His only Son
The most precious Gift in the only One
The thing is that God is still among the lving
And God is the One Who still is giving
For you may have your Christmas Yule
But I delight in being the Christmas fool
For rich people buy themselves a world of things
But Christmas is for me the other gifts which God brings
Sure some of mine are from people who died
But God has to kill them for me to take from their hands pried
So it is the reality of the rich living and dead to me
That they only have a Christmas of misery
But for me Christmas is the wonders God still works today
Complicated things for which my heart prays
God did wonders when Jesus came and went
But God at Christmas for me does miracles in every present
So for the rich who have misery in their purchased Yule
I delight in God in being His Christmas fool.

.........and no I was not drinking when I wrote that.

Nuff Said
