Monday, December 3, 2018

The Strange Rotunda Events of George HW Bush

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I happened upon the real story behind the rumors of chaos which enveloped Washington DC in the return of the corpse of George HW Bush, who has left specific instructions on two points:

Point One: Show up that goddamn John McCain who faked his death.

Point Two: Do not let that loser Jeb anywhere near my funeral.

 It was in that, that President 41 arrived to the kinder gentler nation he left, as embrace by his son George W and his Negress, Michelle Obama. The Lame Cherry is most relieved that Michelle and George will be there to comfort each other at the private, invitation only funeral at the National Cathedral.

Do not reproduce this pass under criminal penalty of law


So anyway, it all started with the casket arriving with the cadaver. Jeb had been banished from the Capitol and Neil had difficulty finding his heart.
To be fair, Neil was having a long day, in he had to accompany the casket through Houston to the airport and Jeb's wife brought some leftover tacos from the gathering the night before, and some of them went bad, and Neil had eaten two as they were free.

Man you can't tell a bad taco as they all smell the same.

So the President, Donald Trump arrived to pay his respects.

Throat slash me George and see what happens as  Ivanka is in good
with that Jew God. 

What the hell is that smell....

.......and the President and First Lady left, and that is when things got chaotic, as George jr. thought it would be a good idea how to trump John McCain, so he had flown in an elephant to be an attraction in the Rotunda, as that was sure to trump John the hero McCain's  Trump Derangement Syndrome funeral.
The elephant being the symbol of the GOP.

Not long after the elephant arrived though it  went on rampage.

It broke up the Capitol Cafeteria.

Then it broke up the Capitol Bar.


It even broke up Nancy Pelosi's office.

It was all quite chaos as the elephant broke out into the Mall.

Goddamn it George!!!! Who brings a fucking elephant to a funeral!!!!

Fortunately Donald Trump jr. was at the mall with his SUV and a new date, dressed for paying their respects to dead Bush43, along with his African hunting rifle, whereby he was able to save millions of black lives mattering by killing the rogue elephant on rampage, collecting his tail for a bracelet later as his father has banned such imports, so only African poachers have that luxury now.

I am a Trump Scout, I never leave home without my guns.

and here are some of Don jr's latest she is fully stocked and I bet even gave olde George wood in the casket.

Why yes Mr. Bush, yes I do have that effect on dead men too.

Ivanka celebrated in taking her child  to the zoo and collecting the tusks from a captive elephant for her new Ivanka Wear line of ivory jewelry.

 No elephants were harmed for my
HW Bush Collectors Edition of Ivory Pendants

All in all it was a good day, as Jeb Bush even got his gun out and shot one of his wife's dangerous tacos, so no harm came to Washington this time with the Bush family in town on the taxpayer's dime again.

I got that taco as I stalked around my old man's casket
as that coward George hid behind Michelle Obama.

