Tuesday, December 4, 2018


 Behold the French criminal Macron, second only to Sarkozy,
and third only to Birther Hussein Obama in destabilizing 
The European Order

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The leader of the European Super State, Chancellor President Sebastian Kurz of Austria inherited when he assumed power of the European Union an even greater border than the Roman Empire in the little known Union for the Mediterranean which was first initiated by the French to gain domination over trade in North Africa and Southern Europe in 2008 AD in the year of our Lord, based upon the original French machinations of 1995 AD in the year of our Lord over north Africa.

The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, also known as the Barcelona Process, was created in 1995 as a result of the Conference of Euro-Mediterranean Ministers of Foreign Affairs held in Barcelona on 27 and 28 November under the Spanish presidency of the EU. The founding act of the Partnership in 1995 and Final Declaration of the Barcelona Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference is called the Barcelona Declaration, which is often used to refer to the Process itself. 

This original Jaques Chirac process stagnated for 13 years, until Nikolas Sarkozy of France began his intrigue in the process. Sarkozy in as bold of gambit as Hitler marching into Czechoslovakia cut out the Northern Europeans led by Germany who cried foul at being banished from this organization. Sarkozy under pressure relented and expanded the map of the integrated European Union with the Mediterranean Union.
France though under the full carte blanche of Birther Hussein Obama allowed France to continue her intrigue as Sarkozy enjoined in the Soros upheaval of Libya, moved quickly to supplant Italy in Libya of her oil management colonial basis.
Sarkozy was enlisting the English in this to form a military union where they would grab the oil, and use their military might to supplant Germany as the defacto leader of Europe.


Not lost in this map which set off warning bells for the historically astute as Colonel Khadaffi of Libya, as he immediately knew what the Europeans were engaged in, and that was a revival of Carthage in the Roman Empire taking control over North Africa.
Khadaffi immediately boycotted the organizational meeting led by Sarkozy.

 Notably absent from the meeting was Libyan leader Col. Muammar Gaddafi, although he sent a representative. Angry that original plans for only a few southern European and North African states were changed to include the whole EU and the Middle East, including Israel (making it, in his words, “very dangerous” for him to support), Gaddafi boycotted the meeting, saying, “We shall have another Roman Empire and imperialist design. These are imperialist maps and designs that we have already rolled up. We should not have them again” (quoted by Bruno Waterfield, “Gaddafi Attacks Sarkozy Plan for Union of the Med,” The Daily Telegraph, July 10, 2008).

For those who remember the realities that in 2008 Khadaffi protested, stopping the French intrigue, but under Obama blowing up the Mideast, starting with Egypt, that by 3 years later under Soros intrigue in moving Khadaffi to release terrorists from prison, that an Obama Revolution erupted, complete with American, French and English bombing, which resulted in published reports that Nikolas Sarkozy had a French intelligence agent put a bullet into Khadaffi's head.
Reports in the English press stated that Sarkozy murdered Khadaffi over crimes Khadaffi knew of Sarkozy was involved in, but as Hillary Clinton cackled over the brutal murder, what that murder was about was the French Empire in North Africa in the French seizing Libyan oil from the Italian management. This is what has been the undercurrent of the UfM.

It is also the focus of stability for the region in Sebastian Kurz leadership. The fact in this is that Sebastian Kurz has a short term a leader of the European Super State. For the sake of Europe, to neutralize the French and English disruption of the balance of power, Chancellor Kurz must from a group of 10 nations, both from eastern and western Europe, appoint himself protector of the UfM, and thereby gain an empire larger than that or the Roman or Holy Roman Empire.

The key to the rise and maintenance of the European Super State is Sebastian Kurz creating a core Germanic Axis with Italy and Greece with full protectorate powers over the oil of North Africa, whereby Europe will be liberated from Trump and Putin energy concerns, as Europe will have her own natural supply.

The framework is all in place, but it has been horribly bastardized by London, Paris, and yes Berlin. London finance destabilized Europe, Paris military intrigue destabilized Europe and Africa, and Berlin fecklessness in importing Muslim rape cock destabilized Europe. It is time for European and African stability, led by Austrian diplomacy and honest brokering to bring an Austrian Peace to the Mediterranean. All of the necessary treaties and agreements are in place, all that is required is a capable leader to implement the best solution for these peoples, and the best reality is Sebastian Kurz, more than the leader of the European Union, but instead leader of the Mediterranean Union of States.

Nuff Said
