Sunday, December 30, 2018

To Kidnap the Quadroon's Husband

Why yes sister, there is  a secret door to get into Buckingham Palace,
and the pass code is Harry's dick size, Harry's IQ and  Harry's erection size,
1, 38 and 2

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I think this is interesting in Prince Harry of England, in the pervert who gets hard over zoo exhibits, in the Queen's new  pet is assisting Muslim terrorists.

Kitchen supported by Meghan´s cookbook is
housed inside mosque ´which has links to
19 terror suspects including Jihadi John´
- Thread Closed

Daily Mail [UK], by Tim Stickings    Original Article
Posted By: Ribicon- 11/24/2018 11:36:29 AM     Post Reply
A community kitchen supported by Meghan Markle is based in a mosque with links to terror suspects, it was alleged last night. The Al Manaar Muslim Cultural Heritage Centre is claimed to have links to 19 Islamic extremists including Jihadi John. A report in the Telegraph said that one of the imams at the mosque near Grenfell Tower had suggested women who listened to music were at risk of becoming strippers. The Duchess of Sussex has promoted a charity cookbook on the back of numerous visits to the Hubb Community Kitchen, based at the mosque. The imam

Then there is this little gem in who better to tell terrorists British SAS training than the zoo exhibit.

Meghan Markle's Royal Training Involved Kidnapping: Report

Meghan Markle reportedly went through British army SAS "kidnap and rescue" training to prepare for her upcoming wedding to Prince Harry, the Daily Express reports.

You do remember that Harry was targeted by Muslim to be kidnapped right?

Prince Harry to be 'kidnapped' in Afghanistan in Channel 4 ...

Oct 06, 2010 · And Prince Harry is the number one target," Mykura said. According to Channel 4 , the royal family had been informed about the programme, but had not made any response.

There was also a  censored Nostradamus prophecy about British royal kidnapped by Muslims  as the BBC or whatever did a movie on red headed royal being kidnapped by  Muslims like PBS aired Harry's hots for dark meat.

Anyway, would it not be interesting in if the Quadroon, was feeding information to Muslims and got her ruddy little hubby kidnapped by the Muslims she is funding?

Nuff  Said
