Sunday, December 30, 2018

Sebastian Kurz takes Africa while Donald Trump gets Tacos

The Marshall Plan Gambit

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is a matter that the American people  should just ignore Donald Trump, as he is a dripping faucet, while Sebastian Kurz of Austria is providing the life giving waters to Europe, to produce a 1000  Year Reich, all based on the technological Africrat, to purchase all things European at 2.5 billion consumers by 2030 AD in the year of our Lord.

That is what a vision of leadership is. Providing your workers with a market for a generation, in which you are selling things in surplus to what you are purchasing from those peoples. Sebastian Kurz, based on the Bill Gates Foundation, has put his suits and pens on the ground in Africa, in hundreds of corporations to modernize Africa from a bush state, to a state of European technology, producing a consumer African group to make Europe the Super Power of the 22nd century.
In contrast, Donald  Trump is bringing in hordes of disease infested Latins, who send all their wages back to Mexico to enrich those nations.

Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) once again demanded European investment in Africa. "We must not leave the continent to the Chinese," he said in front of his counterparts and numerous entrepreneurs in the Vienna Austria Center.
EU Commission President Juncker emphasized that, in his view, Europe is "infinitely more present" in Africa than it is perceived in the public eye. "We do not have to get better, we are already better than the Chinese," he emphasized.

You can translate the above to code word include, "GET RID OF CHINA AND THE UNITED STATES" as that is what Kurz policies are all about. Sebastian Kurz supplanted China with Indo China, and Sebastian Kurz supplanted the United States with Europe.

"It's not just about political partnership, but also about economic cooperation: politics can set the framework, and cooperation at the economic level can set in motion sustainable development in the areas of innovation and digitization," said the Chancellor. By the year 2050, Africa will count around 2.5 billion inhabitants, making the continent an important sales market. "Europe must recognize the opportunities in cooperation on equal terms."
Juncker thanked the Austrian Presidency for the initiative for a new partnership with Africa for sustainable investment in the region. "We do not start from zero, the EU has already provided 44 billion euros for the investment plan, of which 37 billion euros are already in use." 2 further agreements were signed in the framework of the forum. On the one hand, guarantees are to be used to support small and medium-sized enterprises, and around € 75 million will be used to create around 800,000 jobs. With 50 million euros, the EU promotes the Continental Free Trade Agreement. "We must do more to make African trade better, fairer and more sustainable" and "encourage" European companies to become more involved in Africa. For this an "entrepreneur-friendly climate" is necessary, so the European Commission president.

EU Parliament President Antonio Tajani also reiterated his call for a "true Marshall Plan" for Africa, with "massive investment for the private sector". The investments could create growth and jobs. "We have to give the youth concrete answers," said the President of Parliament.

Moussa Faki Mahamat, chairman of the African Union Commission, underlined that youth must be supported by training and new jobs. "We need to harness the potential of youth and resources."
Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz met with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi in Vienna in advance. "Egypt is one of Austria's most important trading partners in Africa and the Middle East, and there are still around 600 Austrian companies active in Egypt, so close cooperation between Austria and Egypt is in the interests of both states," said Federal Chancellor Kurz.

The Europeans are investing that 3 trillion dollars which Obama gave them in bailouts, and putting it into the African market. Yes George W. Bush spent American money to save African babies from malaria and HIV, but those survivors are not going to buy American goods, but instead purchase European goods.

Yes America bombs Africa, and Europe profits from the bombing.

Here though are Donald Trump's plantation niggers which he is enthralled with.

 The United States Vision for Successful Black People

This is what Europe's Europeanized Blacks look like in success.

 The European Vision for Successful Black People

Behold the vision of Donald Trump and Kayne West a rapper.

Behold Sebastian Kurz with elected, powerful black leaders, who in trade will profit Europe in trillions of dollars.

Now once again, who is winning in this? McConnell and Pelosi, along with Donald Trump are sending 10 billion dollars to Latin shit holes to never see a return. Sebastian Kurz though is investing European corporation establishment on the ground in Africa, producing goods, to employ Africans, enrich Europeans and stop the Muslim invasion of Europe.

Now who is the leader with vision and foresight? Who is the leader dealing with Obama's invasion problem? Who is the leader who is creating a future for his people? It is not Donald Trump.

Sebastian Kurz is building a future for three Continents. Donald Trump has re established the Obama slave plantation, where Americans will face genocide in being replaced by tan skinned foreign slaves, as the 1% of New York Values are the master race.

The United States has by design ruined herself by her corrupt political class, being whores to the international socialist state. The Grand Vision for the world now arises out of Europe. The Twitter rampage rages off of Twitter as America dies from this disease of cronyism.

Nuff Said

