Friday, December 28, 2018

Triumph de Germany

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The reality that British professor, John Keegan, lays out in his history of World War II at the start of the German / Franco British War is one where the German high command dragged it's feet in caution, while the German Generals of Army Group A, in General Gerd von Rundstedt and his subordinate General Erich von Manstein, were the creators of an action which overtook Case Yellow and became Hitler's Mantstein Plan.

I am not going to focus on the details in this, but instead focus on something of the French who remained in France for that war, who were little like the Quebecois of America. Except for pockets of French resistance, the French were ineptly led, equipped and managed. It was the most stunning of things to behold this, for almost 150 years, France had been defeated, in her last victory was assisting Americans in the Revolution. After that, the two Napoleonic Wars of 1815 and 1870, crushed the French. They were crushed with defeat in World War I, until America intervened, and in 1940, they were literally wiped from the battlefield, as the British were about as worthless too.
The one bright spot in this entire operation in the spring of 1940 were the Colonials of the Maginot Line. These would be Indochinese Vietnamese. These men held  their positions and fought extremely hard. As for the rest of France, they would array for a fight and then retire without result as her generals cried. It came to the point that the French government had to call up the geezer heroes of World War  I to simply rally the men, at over 75 years old. Even they though understood they could only hold out against the Germans for three days.

What followed is what has been hidden by propaganda in hating Germans. For the Germans in victory, did  occupy France as did Italy in the south, but the Germans placed all powers of France in the Vichy government, and that included France controlled all her colonial empire yet. Germany took nothing from France, but made certain that France was not going to be a threat to Germany in disarming that nation.

The result was there was not any French resistance. The French upon being acquired by Germany, were in tears of relief that is it all over so fast and that the Germans were treating them with the utmost civility and respect. That requires repeating in Germany from Hitler to the Landsers was not abusing the French, and were in fact treating them with kid gloves.
In contrast when the French treated with Germany to surrender, DeGaulle fled to England where he seized power and was denounced by the French for being a traitor in not respecting their authority. Added to this, Prime Minister Winston Churchilll  actually offered the French in the days leading up to this, for France to become a protectorate of London. In other words, France would become an English colony. The French  rejected that proposal immediately as they had had enough of English burning Joan of Arc at the stake and Edward Longshanks brutalizing them.

That is one of the most amazing hidden realities of the Blitzkrieg of World War II, in the air bombing so discouraged French troops that they gave up  as did other nations. The people were so shocked into submission that they were pleased to be living under Pax Germania, the German Peace, as they had their lives,  their government and their commerce, all in place.

If you look at this objectively in what Adolf Hitler engaged in a real policy, a Hitler victory would have opened up Russia to German settlement. Force labor from enemy states would have produced economic prosperity, on the same model that FDR"s friend Joe Stalin placed his  captives into work camps and exploited them. In the West, France and Britain would have kept their governments and empires, in order to manage them for better German efficiency. On the Iberian Peninsula, Spain and Portugal would have been free was would Italy.
In South America, the Germans were in most cordial relations with the Latin Americans, and as America had a majority population of Germans, a real German peace and production would have benefited the productive masses, advancing humanity.

The French though were ill prepared for every war they engaged in.  The worst of it was after the German breakout was their Hedgehog Defense, where pockets of French soldiers would continue to fight on. The Americans produced this same plan against the Soviet's in the German defense in the 1970's, but with France they told Churchill, they had no reserves and they did not have the weapons to fight tanks or enough munitions for continued combat.
Hedgehog always looks great to generals,but is a suicide mission for the poor soldiers abandoned to such combat, as they are cut off, isolated, concentrated, and become obliterated by heavy armor once the enemy bleeds enough. It is buying time for the elite while the soldier suffers horrific trauma.

In the occupation of German by the Allies, the French and British were not that inhumane to the Germans, but the American occupation army was brutal as 11 million Germans died in captivity as women were forced to sell sex of bread crusts. The Russians simply raped without the bread and murdered wholesale. For the the French were civil in returning the civility which Germany offered the French in victory. It was more than France deserved after carving up Germany after World War I, and then threatening Germany with force for years after to extort money from the Fatherland, but the Germans were the civilized group, but have been so smeared by propaganda that there humane treatment of the French after surrender was a hallmark of civility.

This is the history of the Germanics and it is an object lesson as Chancellor Sebastian Kurz continues the rise of the Saxon peoples as the foundation of the new Holy European Super State. There will be necessary conflict and annexation, and in that the Germanics under Chancellor Kurz will be the same responsible and civil authorities which the Germans always have been.

Europe became socialist as Hitler intended, as did the world. Adolf Hitler  was future right, and the fact is that the world would have been better off with his peaceful model of Greater Germany, than what followed in Soviet and American conflict. When the time for Chancellor Kurz appears to lead the world, it will be with the same correct thousand year vision for Europe and the world.

Nuff Said
