Friday, December 28, 2018

HAARP's Texas Jet

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Just touching on this, but this blog noted that the Christmas cyclone to kill Christians in travel, had a pure Texas moisture river created and I actually found the center of it, which manifested just outside of Dallas Texas

Look for the thin red and yellow line in Texas. That is the center of storm flow of moisture fueling this monster. I grabbed a close up of it.

I keep telling you none of this is normal. Storm fronts do not act like jet geysers out of Mexico flowing into a 300 mile long storm surge.

This is the guts of HAARP in murdering American Christians.

I am told that the snow of this over the Great Plains was high in moisture. This was a dust of snow, not snowflakes, and should have been created in cold temperatures and had little moisture. Think of that HAARP did to America as a snow machine nozzle on a sky slope. That is what you are witnessing on a 2000 mile ski slope as the center of this, in the guts of it, was ripped apart in South Dakota which does not make sense, but the same type thing took place last year of Iowa several times

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter
