Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Alex Jones makes Marco Rubio his Biotch

Today's Infowars lesson is how to 
make Marco Rubio your Biotch


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

OK at this moment Alex Jones is my hero, a real Samuel Adams hero on the Boston Commons causing problems, and it was in thee most America of ways.
It makes no difference what you think about Alex Jones, who pays his bills  and how long he has been absent, because what he pulled today was vintage Alex Jones and he took on Ivank Kusner's Biotch on Capitol Hill today.

Thee exchange was perfect smack down WWE and after a crapper few months this was fine entertainment, as Jones decided to rough up fag boy Marco Rubio. I simply do not understand how a Cuban this Cuban always look queer, as when Donald Trump roughed him up, all Rubio could fixate on was Trump's large hands, and when Jones roughed him up, Rubio went street fag tough and then ran away.

The exchange was just what Americans needed.

On Wednesday, Inforwars founder Alex Jones and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) clashed in Washington, D.C. outside a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on internet censorship.

As Rubio was taking questions from the press, Jones inserted himself into the mix to ask the senator about social media censorship within the United States. Early last month, Jones was deplatformed by Apple, Facebook, and YouTube, an apparently coordinated action by big tech.

"What about the Democrats purging conservatives? He’s not answering. Republicans are acting like this isn't happening. Thank God Trump is."

Rubio turned his attention to reporters and cautioned that oppressive regimes like that of China can and have used censorship to censor "the truth."

"The Democrats are doing what you say China does."

"Is that a heckler? I just don’t know who you are, man. I don’t really go on your website."

"He plays dumb., you know what it is, full well. That’s why you didn’t get elected. You’re a snake. Marco Rubio the snake. A little frat boy, here."

As Jones protested that Rubio knew who he was, he briefly placed his hand on the senator's shoulder.


"Don’t touch me again, man. I’m asking you not to touch me again."

"I just patted you nicely. I don't wanna get arrested."

"You're not gonna get arrested, man. I'll take care of it myself," Rubio answered.

"Oh, you're gonna beat me up? 

"I didn't say that."

"You really are a little gangster thug. Rubio just threatened to physically take care of me."

Rubio laughed off Jones and took a question from a reporter about potentially regulating social media networks as a utility, which the senator said he would prefer not to do.


"But that's already going on, here. The Democrats are raping the Republicans. The Democrats are raping Infowars."

Rubio ended the spectacle and told reporters as he left, "You guys can talk to this clown."

 "Look at this little frat boy, so cool. Go back to your bath house!” yelled Jones. "There goes Rubio. Little punk."

See that is really great entertainment in Rubio has been all sweaty for Ivanka over Vaseline jelly for prison reform, and here comes a real Texan who makes a shemale out of Marco Rubio.

One does wonder what kind of work out Marco is going to be giving his Alex Jones blow up doll tonight as this was vintage cuckservative cuckold.

 Alex Jones when the man comes around......

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Nuff Said


The Failures of Obama's Lines in Syrian Sands

Maria Butina

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

And so ends the legacy of Birther Hussein Obama in Syria, with a stable Syria mass slaughtered, and now transformed into a progressive extension of Russian and Iranian regional challenge to the JAMAB, Jewish American Arab alliance of Militant Islam being vanquished.

What began as 200 dead Marines under Ronald Reagan in Beirut by Iranian terrorists now reaches a scorched earth in Idlib Syria, where Russia has allowed the assembly of all the terrorists that Obama, Turkey, Jews and Jordanians created for a killing field which lists a population of 1.5 million, but under new Turkish American Propaganda the population is 3 million and all of those refugees will come pouring into Europe.


As this blog informed all, Donald Trump stood down in Syria, once the Jews of Tel Aviv got their hands on the Syrian oil in northwest Syria. Nothing mattered after that, and when new "chemical weapons attacks" were hinted at, Russia slammed them aside and unleashed a most in your face provocative bombing campaign to America, France and England.
It is a point that Russia and Germany have agreed to this policy to rid Syria of  the Obama terrorists and this is what is taking place.

The Lame Cherry considers this an opportune moment for Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, to declare a security alert, and apply emergency powers to establish himself to an unending term as President of Europe, namely in establishing a European armed forces to secure the border with Turkey to isolate that Muslim regime, end  NATO for a United European Security Force, and in this begin mass deporting of Muslims into African camps, with the necessary identification procedures for security that these invaders can not be employed, be involved in business nor purchase anything from housing to Nikes, as ending commerce for these invaders pouring out of Turkey and Africa, is the solution to ending their invasion of Europe.

This of course exposes John Kelly's manipulation of Donald Trump to upset the Austrian American diplomatic channels, and in this Sebastian Kurz will coordinated with his friend Vladimir Putin for European security. The terrorists and refugees smashed by Russian airstrikes, will not spill into the Balkans, but be cordoned off in Turkey and Turkey will no longer extend her intrigue into the Balkans.

This is a golden opportunity for Austria and Russia to end the John McCain terrorism in Syria and in Ukraine with the McCain Nazi there to re establish a secure Europe and secure Russian southern border. The United States is best being an extension of Tel Aviv where America has these Sand Spit Sunni allies who are not military powers, but money laundering franchises for the Rothschild Ashkenaz banking of New York, London and Paris, which is what drives American policy.

Interestingly as this last terror stronghold perishes, that the two terror leaders behind this are now beyond the reach of Nuremberg trials in this blog maintains that a replacement for Birther Hussein took place in June 13, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, and John the hero McCain committed suicide over a week ago. 

Obama's red line in the sand has become Donald Trumps red faced humiliation after the Ivanka bombing over fake chemical weapon's attacks for Tel Aviv. There is nothing ideal, but it is all shameful in American policy has been about stealing Syrian oil first for Turkey and then for Tel Aviv.

There is no honor among thieves, and it is a calculation in the next Tel Aviv gambits how long it will be before Damascus, Gaza, Temple Mount become rubble by incidental contact once the President of the United States after learning that Mad Dong Mattis refused to follow military orders, will have the President launching strikes personally against Iran.

Nuff Said.


Don't call Donald, he'll call you

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I actually appreciated Bob Woodward's new salacious spin on the Trump Brand White House, because although the President does not seem intelligent enough to decipher what the real story is, what the conclusion is from reading this is, "Bob Woodward tried through THREE SOURCES in Lindsey Graham, Kelly Conway and Raj Shah to speak with the President, but except for Graham passing the notice to the President, all other attempts were lost in White House Channels.

Let the Lame Cherry explain this in, CHANNELS means John Kelly as Donald Trump sees no one, reads nothing and gains no information unless John Kelly clears it.
That means that Conway and Raj put the Woodward request into writing and John Kelly burned them.

That means that John Kelly either set President Trump up for this in thinking Trump is an idiot who would say the wrong things or John Kelly set Donald Trump up for this disaster by allowing the gossip to go unrefuted in the Woodward book.
There is a possibility that Trump told Kelly to be his shield to not to speak to Woodward, but that is probably not an option as Trump did speak to Woodward after the fact and was upset someone was not passing along information.

That someone is the traitor John Kelly who was part of the destruction of Austrian American relations.

It's really too bad because nobody told me about it and I would have loved to have spoken to you,' Trump said.


Trump put Conway on the call. She told Woodward: 'I did. I presented it to the people here who make those decisions,' without naming names. 'It would have been nice, Bob, if you called for me in my office,' Trump said.
'I talked to Raj. He was going to work it out,' Woodward said, referencing press aide Raj Shah.

He also diminished the access of his deputy press secretary. 'Rah, I hardly have - I don't speak to Raj.
'Senator Graham actually mentioned it to me quickly on one meeting. And you know, that is true,' Trump said.

If one examines the cast of characters in this, it is not the reality that Donald Trump hired disrespectful trolls or that Donald Trump hired people who could not do the job or could be trusted, the FACT in this goes bac to TRUMP TRANS when it was Mike Pence and Jared Kusher purging the Trump Christians and Loyalists for their saboteurs and incompetents.
That is the message in this.

The idea I ever called the President an idiot is not true,' Kelly said in a fiery statement put out by the White House.

 'He's an idiot. It's pointless to try to convince him of anything. He's gone off the rails. We're in Crazytown. I don't even know why any of us are here. This is the worst job I've ever had,' Kelly said when he blew a fuse at a meeting

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, 80, a billionaire investor, wasn't spared Trump's criticism. 
'I don't trust you. I don't want you doing any more negotiations. … You're past your prime,' Trump told him

According to another anecdote, Trump told former staff secretary Rob Porter former chief of staff Reince Priebus was 'like a little rat. He just scurries around.'

Cohn 'stole a letter off Trump's desk' to prevent the president from executing a letter of withdrawal from a South Korean trade deal.

Mattis then told colleagues Trump had the mental ability of 'a fifth- or sixth-grader.

calling him a 'traitor' for his decision to recuse himself from the Russia probe. 
'This guy is mentally retarded. He's this dumb Southerner. … He couldn't even be a one-person country lawyer down in Alabama,' Trump said.
Don't testify. It's either that or an orange jumpsuit,' he advised Trump, according to the book.
And Dowd also explained to special counsel Robert Mueller face-to-face why he didn't want his client to testify. 
Dowd told him: 'I'm not going to sit there and let him look like an idiot. And you publish that transcript, because everything leaks in Washington, and the guys overseas are going to say, 'I told you he was an idiot. I told you he was a goddamn dumbbell. What are we dealing with this idiot for?''

This is the correct assessment of the Bob Woodward book. Everything in it was said. It was people under pressure and people knowing Cassius worked for Trump, the DIA had Trump on leash, and Donald Trump made bad choices on the advice given, and the worst of it is, it is now even more concentrated in this traitor John Kelly with the traitor Mike Pence, and the Kushner's cowering in the corner.
That is what the Woodward book reveals in John Kelly sanitizes and censors all information, except the Kelly planted stories to mislead the President from reaching the President's desk. Kelly runs an intimidation racket that Kelly Conway is cowering in not being able to talk to the President or she will be fired like everyone else, as Mike Pence lurks in the shadowlands with his Indian Mafia holding most of the key posts in the White House in this constant Pence coup.

That is what  Bob Woodward reveals, exactly what this blog posted on in the sabotage of the relationship of Sebastian Kurz with Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin with Donald Trump, and it comes from two sources and it is telling that the NIA Bob Woodward says nothing about Bushman Mike Pence, but then another book came out exposing  the creeper that Pence is.

Mike Pence and His Talent for Being Absent

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said


Wahrheit Herrscht : TRUTH PREVAILS

der Kinder


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is pleased to record a historical account in an examination of the censorship of American achievement in Neil Armstrong being placed on the moon by American industry and German genius, in Ryan Gosling the star of the new motion picture, with Canadian direction stated it was HUMAN ACHIEVEMENT which put a man on the moon, and not Americans, so they felt at liberty to remove American flags from astronaut uniforms and to vanquish thee American Flag which Mr. Armstrong placed on the moon.

  Ryan Gosling negating American Exceptionalism
in putting a man on the Moon

In an interview with The Telegraph, First Man star Ryan Gosling said the decision to exclude the planting of the American Flag was driven by the notion that the moon landing was regarded as a “human achievement,” rather than an American one.

Fortunately, in this Human Achievement definitions, the Lame Cherry was able to find a series of comments from another notable person of history who has been suffering the same propaganda written about him from the British Commonwealth and thee American left. You probably will recognize him.

We begin with the first question for Chancellor Adolf Hitler of Germany.

*Herr Hitler, in the 21st century it is now acceptable practice to blame Americans for all the evils of the world and to censor them from moon landings. Would you like to address the situation where Germany started two world wars as German Achievement?

Yes, yes,  but that is not the way it was at all. It was not German Achievement or German Exceptionalism, but it was Human Achievement, which arose from London finance with Paris intrigue. In the first world war, it was the Human Achievement of the English who wanted to eliminate the industrial and artistic competition from Germany. In the late 1800's, the English and French, signed a deal with New York bankers to profit America in going to war against Germany, providing American boys died as fodder for this cash register. The English and French stole German lands and colonies.

As for the second world war, it was hardly Hitler Achievement or German Achievement, as Germany was being plundered by the Versailles Treaty in our children were starving and we were being overthrown to become a communist nation to genocide our people. 
World war was not a German Achievement, it was instead as Human Achievement which Germany was blamed for.

*Could you address the forced labor camps which have been called death camps as German Achievement?

Ja, Ja, this would be a great historical service, as we Germans learned this from the English. It was Edward Longshanks who began the genocide of the Scot and Irish. In those warring years, the English made slaves out of two nations, and shipped these white slaves to the Americas. British oppression of the Irish caused the potato famine, and we should never overlook the British and French engaging in genocide against Americans in both the 7 Years War and the Revolution of 1776 in the year of our Lord, by unleashing terrorists in Indians and Blacks against Americans.
This was not German Achievement but Human Achievement once again from the English.

*Herr Hitler, could you please address the German Achievement in occupying lands in Europe. 

Ja Ja, the kinder should always be informed of the Truth. This was not German Achievement, but Human Achievement, as lest we ever forget, the English in Human Achievement had their Canadians in Hudson's Bay Company robbing native peoples of their furs in massive debt as the natives died of tuberculosis. Then the East India Company had a lucrative market in enslaving India, importing Turkish opium to break the Asian opium markets which London then addicted all of China to the opium.
France had her Human Achievement too in the pillaging of Vietnam and the American interior beginning with Quebec and then abandoning the Quebecois to genocide by the English. To this day, even Justin Trudeau in being a race traitor keeps the Quebecois under the crown of London and Ottawa to exploit those peoples, while treating thee American pioneers who settled western Canada as expendables like the Metis and native peoples. This is all Human Achievement and Ryan Gosling is so correct in cutting Americans out of history in their accomplishments as Germans have been removed from accomplishing so much for American advancement after World War II when America confiscated everything from our paint pigments to our rocket scientists to put an American on the moon.

*Der Fuehrer, as you look back on history, the present and yes, the future, would you please address German Achievement.

Ja, Ja, Deutsche und Amerikaner, are a mirror images of different points in history. Germany advanced humanity from Martin Luther, Goethe, von Braun, but opposing competitors who advanced from German Achievement engaged in propaganda to turn America in her German majority against America's Fatherland and Motherland.
It was German wealth after both world wars which prospered the United States, as a tool of the international financiers. They exported European anarchists to America to overthrow the United States, and now the Americans pioneers are expendable and facing genocide in being replaced by Muslims and Mexicans.
Ryan Gosling and the film expunging America from the moon landing is but a step in the process which was utilized to destroy Germany.  America will be consumed too in a scorched earth by these same financiers.
America will be wiped  from history in all her exceptionalism and replaced like Germany as the pariah of the world.
I stated this before the outcome of the war was decided, that if I as leader of the free world was successful in liberating the world, I would be remembered among the greatest of leaders, but if I was overcome by these enemies of humanity, I would be branded as the worst fiend in all history, as warning to anyone else to never attempt such a liberation again.

Human Achievement is a collective, it is the ridding of the individual, the sovereign state of her personal achievement, it is communism. It is what Germans fought against and Americans later fought against. American Exceptionalism is passing away as German Exceptionalism is being vanquished deliberately by the importation of foreign hordes. Replacing Germany now though with Americans as the evil in this world, as the collective takes the American Race's accomplishments for their own, in these Canadians carrying London's bilge water is the reality of a generic moon landing.

*Dank Fuehrer Hitler warheit herrst.

Nuff Said


Blood Guiltiness

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

No real Christian has never been pushed by satan and the world to a fury which they want to strike out with everything they have. I state that as it was brought to my mind this morning as I have been engaged in Spiritual warring in something which has always puzzled me and that what is referred to in the Bible as blood guiltiness. 

The most prominent example of this is David as he was hunted by King Saul and with his men in the wilderness, needed provisions from the populace, and when he sent some of his young men to ask a rich man named Nabal to provide food, Nabal castigated them in asking "Who is David that he comes demanding food!"

David and his men had provided protection for the estate of this man and had not taken one sheep. So in that insult David was extremely insulted and told his men to gird up their swords as he was not going to leave one man alive in Nabal's house that pisseth against the wall.

That is one of my favorite Bible expressions, but in that begins the blood guilt which was spoken of as one of David's young men told Nabal's wife the slaughter which was about to happen, and she in turn astutely loaded provisions, and ran to head off David and his army, in a scene of absolute diplomatic genius in vowing fidelity to David when he was king and fidelity to him then as  he was God's chosen king.

David was appeased, but in the exchange in the verses below from I Samuel, I will put into bold  he pertinent phrases as they do explain blood guiltiness.

 30 And it shall come to pass, when the LORD shall have done to my lord according to all the good that he hath spoken concerning thee, and shall have appointed thee ruler over Israel;
 31 That this shall be no grief unto thee, nor offence of heart unto my lord, either that thou hast shed blood causeless, or that my lord hath avenged himself: but when the LORD shall have dealt well with my lord, then remember thine handmaid.
 32 And David said to Abigail, Blessed be the LORD God of Israel, which sent thee this day to meet me:
 33 And blessed be thy advice, and blessed be thou, which hast kept me this day from coming to shed blood, and from avenging myself with mine own hand.
 34 For in very deed, as the LORD God of Israel liveth, which hath kept me back from hurting thee, except thou hadst hasted and come to meet me, surely there had not been left unto Nabal by the morning light any that pisseth against the wall

Do you see the context of what is taking place? Nabal's wife, Abigial, speaks of this as David's actions would trouble his conscience later. It was not that David did not have full legal right to slaughter everyone there for what Nabal did, as he had right to avenge himself, but there was the matter of Abigail, a woman alone and the women servants. All would be unprotected and literally made victims by robbers, rapists and murderers. David could execute this son  of Belial (worthless man) and all of his men servants legally, but his actions in avenging himself would have harmed people who were unaware in that household.
That would have later troubled King David immensely, and the population would have remembered that slaughter and never would have trusted David, lest his fury be unleashed again in being out of control.

David had Christian heart, or a heart after the Lord's own. By that, when God had delivered King Saul into David's hand many times, David did not kill the King, but saved him. Even when David was King, he still mourned for Saul's family, even though they turned on him as traitors later. One son of Jonathan a cripple, David  brought into the royal house to be cared for as the King was looking for someone to show kindness to.

David withdrew his hand from slaughter and the Lord did avenge him. Nabal was told what had just been averted and he fainted almost dead away and lingered in bed. What followed was the Lord killed Nabal, thus avenging David, who then took Nabal's wife and all his property as his own.
Waiting around on the Lord did reward David quite well for not avenging himself.

38: And it came to pass about ten days after, that the LORD smote Nabal, that he died.

God has killed  people for me and God has let real bastards and bitches live. When God has killed for me, it was because those horrid people were standing in the way of God's work through me. That part I desire each of you to comprehend. God is on God's side, so do not make the mistake in thinking fire and brimstone are coming on your enemies for you read a book by the light of their fire.
The sinners  who are still alive have absolutely disgusting lives or in the case of some of my evil relatives, they are locked in a sickness prison of every day is a struggle. Others slog along in the rubbish they are. Sometimes God does not show you how He avenges, but He will and that is what one trusts in.

That is not to day that law and order does not have a place in this. In  Israel the, Goel, or family avenger would seek justice in this world. It was legal though in crimes and never in fury, or the enjoying of the twisting of the knife to torment the dying.

We are instructed to Pray for our Enemies. I do pray for them to repent, as that is reality that rips every person's life apart. If they do repent, they will be changed, and if they do not repent, they will be driven to an earlier grave.

In closing this out, there was another set of sons, not of Belial, but of Zeruiah, who was David's brother in law, and the chief one was Joab. Those three brothers were like Simeon and Levi butchering a city for their prince raping their sister Dinah, and placing all of Jacob in danger.

Joab saved David from blood guiltiness, by shedding the blood and was blamed for it. He also when David died was part of an insurrection against Solomon, and Solomon's strong man, Benaniah slew Joab on the Altar as that is where Joab was hiding.

Those who Joab slew though were either in legal retaliation, in the case of Amasa and Abner would have contended with David for the crown later, or in the case of Uriah, when David impregnated his wife, Joab was cleaning up a national problem that David had brought on the nation.
Sometimes with God's humans, there has to be a human who is prone to do the dirty work for the Christian, but the Christian is always taught to have God avenge them.

II Samuel 38

39: And I am this day weak, though anointed king; and these men the sons of Zeruiah be too hard for me: the LORD shall reward the doer of evil according to his wickedness.

That does not mean that we have to sit quiet nor stand up for ourselves when so moved. Pleading to God to be avenged which is His job, is a reality as much as praying for enemies to change. Evil people engaged in evil things are dying faster every day even if they sit in pews, because they are not renewed every day in the Word of the Lord.

Each of us though when we are in our hurts, need to be reminded of what God told Jonah when he was mad that God did not destroy Nineveh.  God reminded Jonah that there were thousands of stupid people in that city quite ignorant, and there were many animals there too who were innocent. I am not stating that for satan to have you think you have to take a back seat to being avenged as some person's cat might end up in the pound, but I am reminding you that God works in a bigger picture and sometimes we do not see things He does in why vengeance is not coming on our terms.

Romans 12:19

Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

Always remember that St. Paul was Inspired by the Holy Ghost to write the Romans. Paul also had any adversary who he turned over to satan for a time to chastise that evil person. Each Christian needs to know they have the responsibility to defend themselves, and not get into trouble. But, each Christian is to fold their hands in prayer calling on God to avenge and not folding their hands in shedding blood of others who deserve it. That as David's example proved, causes your conscience grief later, harms your reputation and makes you more prone to trust in your own hands, instead of the Hand of God executing Judgement.

There is always a part for the Christian in this, and there is a balance in the scales. The Christian though needs to look after themselves in that their actions do not harm them worse and to always remind God that you have not been avenged fully yet.

Nuff Said
