As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
So most of you know the saga of our trying to get our place and not be homeless in the terror and trouble the mother and non donors put on her and us. It involves the Uncle who is awaiting joint replacement and I doubt he will be back before summer.
Who is checking on his place is his friend. No one quote gets the arrangement as he is divorced, married again in the second wife live in the state he is now staying with his children awaiting surgery, but the friend in here, and I call her Aunt Betty after the Flintstones as I like being sarcastic
Aunt Betty got roped into this drama thinking it would be just a month, an now it is into 3 months. I noticed that about the 2nd month that her checking the place slacked off big time. Checking places in brier patch areas is sort of important to make sure someone does not break a window breaking in, which would be heating the outside and at 20 below that kind of burns houses down as the furnace never shuts off til the fuel runs out, and in the meantime the pipes freeze and you got a pool in your basement shorting out the electric.
So the day before Christmas TL and I got home and I noticed the radio was flashing and an old tower computer I had was running. It had only been 12 minutes , but when the electric goes off things sometimes reset and sometimes turn on Our Amish electric heater reset and was off and of course some things turned on So I thought I should text the Uncle's child about it, as it is good PR and I know Aunt Betty has had enough of this chit and we were in the middle of a big storm (Hey TL and I were out in it with a two wheel drive, so it is not like people could not move, as no one pays attention to a blizzard around here as you just work around the weather), so I grinned knowing Aunt Betty would be so pleased to get a call saying she needed to go check the place.
In our need of a place, the perfect God scenario would be frozen pipes as that place being too much for the Uncle and the children, as it sure is too much for Aunt Betty, but I can not pray that Suffice it to say that Aunt Betty is going to have some friction in this with them. I know from her lack of tracks that she has not checked on that place in almost a week. As I said, the shine is off the apple, and it is time the people who have things and people who are rich need to be educated that there are immense prices for their vanity in hanging onto things.
God has always been good to me in the playing of these games for position, and is why He has me playing the game The amusing part of this story is the text message, which I wrote about heating relations in Uncle's house. It auto converted which I did not notice until it was sent to CHEATING RELATIONS, which was appropriate considering Aunt Betty I had an "OH SHIT" moment and thought, "Well they are going to remember that text for sure". It was and still is amusing to me in how God works things out.
No harm now foul, but Lord do I stick my text into it most times and why I rarely text.
Anyway, that is the story of the saga of checking out the denning area now that the dog wolf is out of the state and the she wolf does not like coming over and pissing at the den to keep others from taking up lodgings.
Nuff Said