As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I really do not like squash as it tastes like vomit to me. In stating that, TL has been working on squash chips and we made some out of Butternut squash this year. The thing is these squash did not look like Butternuts, but were colored like them but in different shapes. The thing is these were very sweet squash and TL saved the seeds, but the point is, I like this use of squash as it is simple and a really pleasant flavor when caramelized by baking.
Simple recipe in cut thin slices of Butternut squash.
Toss them in olive oil.
Place them onto a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper and salt and pepper them.
Do not overlook the great accent that black pepper adds to squash. Pepper is one of the great seasonings which is now forgotten.
That is it and makes a better vegetable than mushy baked squash which is quite repulsive.
Nuff Said