Friday, January 4, 2019

Ghosts of Germans Past

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 The following is a historical German perspective, based upon the long line of Bimarckian diplomatic understanding of world order. The subject was why England, who actually through intrigue with world banking and the United States, were moving with the Soviets to genocide Germany. This analogy by Field Marshal von Leeb is perfect, as it is German centric as it was the German nation which was at stake, and it explained the reality why England should have reached an armistice with Germany to end the war.

Probably two reasons why Britain will not make peace. Firstly, she hopes for US aid, but the US can't start major arms deliveries until 1941. Secondly, she hopes to play off Russia against Germany. But Germany is militarily far superior to Russia.

There are two danger areas which set off a clash with Russia. Number one Russia pockets Finland. This would cost Germany her dominance of the Baltic and impede a German attack on Russia. Number two, further encroachments  by Russia on Romania. we cannot permit this, because of Romania's gasoline supplies to Germany. Therefore Germany must be kept fully armed. by the spring there will be 180 divisions. Germany is not striving to smash Britain because the beneficiaries will not be Germany, but Japan in the east, Russia in India, Italy  in the Mediterranean and America in world trade. That is why peace is possible with Britain.

Field Marshal Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb
German Chancellory
August 14, 1940 AD in the year of our Lord

In hindsight, what Winston Churchill did by continuing the war was destroy the British Empire and British domination. The war bankrupted London, slaughtered the last of the British males who were not faggots and expanded the European struggle into a world war, as Franklin Roosevelt was goading the Japanese into attacking the United States.

Germany understood the vacuum of Britain would be filled. A vacuum without Britain and Germany would be filled by America's enemies and cost trillions. This is thee worst policy ever generated out of any American administration.

What followed on the world stage was the Soviet Union replaced Germany as a far greater foe. Chinese communists replaced Japan as a far worse foe, and trillions of dollars from America bankrupted her, and England is now turned into a Muslim rape cock colony.

Adolf Hitler and his Mashalate, were again perfect in their view of the world order in what would take place if England did not apply for peace. This is what is missing in the American politic again, in an over extended America is not capable of the projection she once was, and the worst of this is Donald Trump now is begging allies to fund the extension which only bankrupts them, and more to the point, raises in them the necessity of ridding itself of America, and spending those trillions on  their own military so they can rule their own spheres.

Once again another Lame Cherry analysis in matter anti matter, pointing out the realities of the vacuum which is world policy.

Nuff Said
