Friday, January 4, 2019

When the Shining City on the Hill became a World Political Latrine

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What is the point of Congressman taking an oath when ignorant juvenile delinquents and their adult examples have violated everything which set America apart from the other mob rule.

Speaker Nicholas Longworth of Ohio, who abandoned the practice of Members taking the oath by state delegations in 1929. Longworth altered the practice because he hoped the mass swearing-in would better “comport with the dignity and solemnity” of the ceremony

A Muslim quadroon female with offspring, and this is how she conducts herself representing the state of Michigan.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) reportedly unleashed a profane attack on President Trump Thursday night during a MoveOn celebration in Washington, D.C.
“We’re gonna go in there and impeach the motherf***er,” she said to a cheering crowd of supporters.
Tlaib was sworn into office earlier in the day using a copy of the Koran and wearing a traditional Palestinian gown.

When the Shining City on the Hill of Ronald Reagan became the World's Political Latrine of the Obama Flush.

What comes next, sacrificing virgins?  Bacchanalia in the gallery?  Human sacrifice? Just what rites of anti Christ will be the new norm celebrated by gyrations of the primate kind where civilization returns to the cesspool of those who can not control their urges and decorum is an impossible discipline.
