Monday, January 28, 2019

Gone are the days of Sarah Palin

It was easy when it was just beautiful me and old Hillary!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

How was it just a few short years ago, that the Republicans had all the women which one could endeavor to erections of desire from Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Melania Trump and the Ivanka, and democrats were burdened with the likes of:

Michelle Robinson Obama.
Hillary Hamrod Clinton
Elizabeth Warren

....and one simply can not continue on democrats were the stereotype of the past prime lesbian, the past primed shemale and the past prime squaw.

How can it all be now that democrats have fielded a world of all heart's desire.

Willie asked me if I wanted to ride his trolley......and I did!

Take for example, Kamala Harris, a woman who has not found a cock which could not room in  the vacancy of her inn.

That fine Truth Teller, Willie Brown, who told the world he was informed not to fly on 9 11 because of terrorism while thousands of others were allowed to die, has now told us that it was Wille's wanker who first penetrated Kamala Harris' wank holder and flat backed her way to the top.


Obama and you were both my Ho's!


Willie Brown has excellent taste in women. It only makes one wonder now if he took Hillary Rodham out for a lesbian encounter before she settled on Bill. What about Huma, is Willie the source for her rising to Anthony Wiener's hotdog? Just how many women has Willie penetrated and rightly promoted to American leadership.

There simply is not enough room for the hot women of the left.

I have always been an unwilling sinner to whiteness!

There is of course Huma who is the Muslim that every Jew dreams of wanking the scent of Hillary off her. What a remarkable woman she is, in a time of Robert Mueller, her spying for Saudi Arabia, handing over Hamrod's letters to husband Anthony who was spying for the Jews, has not been bothered in the least, as she simply is too comely for Robert Mueller to ever question her honesty and virtue.

Oh my I will be late for lighting candles!

The lovely Lisa Page, taken advantage of by Peter Strzok and all those white men servicing Barack Hussein Obama. Is there a more ravishing creature to ever read in dossiers of Russian whores pissing in bed. How her tender eyes ever beheld such things is a sign of her strength. Obviously Lisa Page is most comfortable on her knees, singing songs at Vespers and with hands folded giving heartfelt prayers for all of her enemies.

 Mirror mirror on the wall, I am the virginest of them all!

For me though, we all can be assured that Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is a virgin. She is pure as the driven snow. I am certain that as a bartender she talked every customer out of drinking demon rum, and it is no doubt she was saving herself for Donald Trump jr. Yes a woman of virtue is so sexy in these times.

Yes we once had a world of Sean Penn making Ann Coulter dolls and burning her Barbie genitals with his cigarettes and David Letterman voicing jokes about black athletes rape impregnating Sarah Palin's daughters, but the left males are all silent about the new wonder crop of powerful letettes, except of course the manly Willie Brown who took a shine to Kamala's Nethers.

Did you know Kamala Harris is a bigger birther than Obama? Had darkie Jamaican and a wog Mum. Schooled in Quebecistan and well, put the polish on by Willie, her parents were more British nigger than Barry Soetoros.
I wonder if that will be brought up about that natural born stuff. It will not help poor Sarah Palin though as she is the cast of yesterday's leg tinglers with all of them wet dreamy creamers the democrats have found.

Lest we forget the creamiest of all.......

Willie asked me to ring his bell!

Yes that Willie Brown has written the future of America in his seed.  It was his women who procured the 21st century women of the left who have displaced Sarah Palin. Who knew the power of Willie Brown in his cock was that ole black magic, the wand of Willie, raising all of these women, who America is  now enraptured for.

We are are all Willie's Women!
