My jeans can make a Marlboro Man
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Obviously, obviously, it is Jeff Bezos fault.
Yes another rich white man, not being able to deal with a powerful white woman.
You can see the evidence in the photos, of how absolutely stunning, brilliant, poised and yes, AW, American Woman, Mackenzie Bezos is. I mean this woman is Amazon prime bone meal. What lesbian would not like to be put on her leash and what man would not want to bring his bacon home to her pan and put the pork to her.
This woman is pure MILF to the raw sex she is and pure MILL in the Mothers I would Love to Love, in what man would not want to marry her, give all he is for her, and yes, die for her in a blaze of nuclear bullets in protecting her and her children.
Yeah that last one sort of does not look like Jeff, but who knew these two white people had Oriental genes in their past.
Come on over to Marlboro country Mackenzie
it's a taste for you and me.
It is obvious that Jeff Bezos was not man enough to handle a woman like Mackenzie Bezos. This woman even has perfect taste in pooches. You can see they have picked up her disappointments in life in being married to Jeff Bezos. There is a lost look in all of their lives and thankfully MB was woman enough to liberate herself from the trauma of being dragged down by her Goldmember husband.
Yes does not Jeff Bezos look like Goldmember?
And what is up with Bezos eyes? I mean is dude suffering from the pressure of 500 over 290 blood pressure?
Does he have a basketball size brain tumor?
Or is he become a sinister arch villain soon to replace Austen Powers in the next movie blockbuster:
Name to be released later once the greatest actor ever, Joaquin Phoenix is signed to star as Austen Powers and Jan Michael Vincent, the greatest television actor ever is signed to play, Mini Joaquin.
Anyway this is who Jeff Bezos fled to in not being able to deal with his immensely womanly wife, Wonder Woman.
I don't quite get this, but Bezos is hooked at the hip with a Lauren Sanchez after, he posed with her and her white husband, who looks like Willem Dafoe.
See Willem Dafoe.
How did I get involved in this as I am a wonderful human being.
I mean what is up, Bezos is finger cracking this guys wife as she is ass grabbing him, as the husband is clueless in Adulteryland?
I don't get it in you got prime American snatch like Mackenzie and you can't make room for Jesus to keep the thing together with her and the kids, and the minute you cash it in, you slum it up with the equatorial help in the wetback.
This slurpy seconds like Don jr. is the white dick surrender flag waving from the Fruit of the Looms. I mean what kind of message does that send to hot chics like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, who any man would break the box springs with, as this one is pure Alternating Current, the real power pole, the fuse box, the transformer of the electric power station, a woman like Mackenzie Bezos that you could break the Serta bed warranty a thousand times over, with all that rollercoasterin' goin' on as only a good Jewess can take a mattress to tree of good and evil.
White men need the Latino lust first not as Spanish seconds
Obviously Jeff Bezos should have been tooling his missile instead of focusing on rockets to the moon. Seriously, how can you not focus on a wife like Mackenzie in obsession of all her hard on making round the clock as 20 years after the fact, she is still the American woman and no man would ever let this mama be.
American Woman - The Guess Who (Whole Version) - YouTube
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