Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Kristi Noem Restores Republican Gun Rights


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As loyal readers and donors will know, this blog has moved a great time line forward in saving life in the womb, when by God's Grace we defeated the baby butcher Stephanie Herseth Sandlin of South Dakota and elected rancher Kristi Noem.

While the base could only focus on how pretty she was, Kristi Noem, left Congress to run for Governor of South Dakota. It is in this, the Lame Cherry is bragging on real Republicans, as Governor Kristi Noem, will sign a permit less concealed carry law for South Dakotans.


PIERRE, S.D. — Republican Gov. Kristi Noem announced on social media that she will sign a bill allowing South Dakotans to carry concealed guns without a permit into law Thursday.
Noem's announcement on Wednesday, Jan. 30, came less than 24 hours after the House passed Senate Bill 47 by a 47-23 vote on Tuesday. It passed the Senate last week by a 23-11 vote. The governor's office later announced via news release that Noem will host SB 47's signing ceremony — the first bill-signing ceremony of the 2019 legislative session and of Noem's tenure as governor — at 12 p.m. Central Time Thursday.
South Dakotans currently do not need a permit in order to open carry, but do in order to carry a concealed firearm. In order to obtain a concealed carry permit under current statute, a gun owner must pass a state background check administered by their county sheriff's department and pay a $10 fee. SB 47 eliminates that mandate, but gun owners could choose to still get a permit in order to take advantage of reciprocity agreements with other states.

This law was passed by Republicans but that damned Obama RHINO Dennis Mutard Daugaard refused to sign it. He was one corrupt bastard who called for Donald Trump to resign.

I am Dennis Mutard Daugaard

That has all changed now in Govenor Noem is a Republican keeping her promises. She has fulfilled her right wing promises first, unlike Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan did in jerking the base around for 2 years, and that is why Noem got the hell out of DC.

I desire you to remember that Republicans do exist, keep their word and restore liberty to Citizens.

Kristi Noem should be the prototype for President of the United States. Literally Donald Trump should dump that Mike Pence, but I could not guarantee that Bush Inc would not savage Governor Noem, the same way they did Dan Quayle or Sarah Palin.

Keep the faith though, as Governor Noem is the Republican future.

God bless her and her Christian Conservative Lt. Governor, who is more right wing than Ronald Reagan.

Republicans restore gun rights in South Dakota.

Nuff Said

