On my god, there is part of that #NeverPencer in the tree!!!
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Today Vice President Mike Pence, now known as Virtual Pounder Mike Pence, showed the world what he would do as President, once he has Donald Trump exit the building. In an especial show of force the Veeper arrived at the White House unannounced, and then ordered the Secret Service to be unleashed on a #NEVERPENCER.
Send out the SS. Run over the terrorists. Stomp them into the pavement.
Make an asphalt example of them. Make them bleed on the White House Lawn!
What followed was something out of Ben Hur in rhe Roman chariot races that almost killed Charlton Heston. The SS moved in swiftly with their black SUV's and black Limo, named for the Vice President in the BACKER, and smashed into the #NeverPencers.
In perfect SS order the Pence team flew from their vehicles and with much appreciated excessive force, thumped what remained of these #NeverPencers.
It has come to this it was heard by the VEEPER in a quote:
I load the gun for this President and he refuses to pull the trigger. It is time that I send out the SUV's and the SS to draw the line in America, that I am not afraid to cross.
The Lame Cherry very much appreciates Mike Pence pulling the trigger on these terrorists on the White House drive. After all, they were getting in the way of his getting back to mistress Katie Walsh and what man would stand for that getting in the way of that yummy tidbit.
Oh Mike, for this you get the big boy special #4 tonight!
So we now know behind all great men is a woman, and behind all great presidents is Mike Pence. Yes Dwight Eisenhower had Tricky Dick Nixon. Yes John Kennedy had the mauler Lyndon Johnson. who took out his own executive. Barack Obama had Benghazi Joe Biden and now Donald Trump has Mike Pence, a man who is not afraid to put the pedal down, and once the terrorists are on the ground, sending in the jackboots to stomp them into the #NeverPencer Pavement.
Mike Pence is a Veeper who will not only take on terrorists, but run over cops who do not get out of the way. This guy is real presidential stuff.

Run over my mother if she gets in the way!
Mike Pence's Motorcade Strikes Officer
God bless you Vice President Mike Pence. Finally the White House has a great leader to do the man's kind of work like Harry Truman dropping atomic bombs on those slant eyed Asians that FDR forced to start a war with America.
It is Pencetime!
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