Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Roger Stone: Missing Link Standing

Pizza Hut, why are there 39 FBI Agents 
delivering my hot and spicy breakfast?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

"There were 17 vehicles with their lights going, including two armored vehicles in the front yard," Stone said. "I live on a canal. They had pulled two amphibious units with frog men up to the back gate. ... The entire back of the house was surrounded by agents, all of them brandishing sidearms and assault rifles."

-el Rogero Stone

Remember men, we have left the women behind.
Stay sharp, as this is Roger Stone we are going after
and he once marched in a gay parade.


Not now honey, I am in training for the FBI.

I trained for two years for this in the Stone Killers
and I'm still scared man. 


I would rather be in Benghazi than to face this man!


Don't show my face man
as this is el Rogero Stone man!

Man that Robert Mueller sent us out with
only a tank to take on Roger Stone!

I would have deployed nukes if I could have!!!


 Remember men if Roger Stones comes out the back
Mueller is on his own.


Roger if they ever come for you,
the Star Wars codes are.....

 I told Roger the 7th Fleet was at his disposal
if he decided to fight it out.

Roger gave up because there were only 39 of them
and it was unfair to them as he did march in a gay parade.

I've never been the same after that morning
 in taking on Roger Stone.

This is something you'll tell the grandkids...


Nuff Said
