Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Serial Zuckerberg

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have always maintained on the data, that Facebook is an NSA funded platform, as all media has been since the inception of Mockingbird. Facebook replaced the popular My Space in a Rupert Murdoch turf battle to create a platform to spy on people, generate algorithms to monitor societal trends and to teach AI's how to be bots and to launder billions of dollars in psyops funding back into the hands of Wall Street elite.
Mark Zuckerberg is not any more genius than Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. They were assisted by the CIA  in guidance for a greater societal monitoring and guidance.

The problem with Facebook is the problem with Roseanne Barr, in you can not alienate a segment of your active population of viewers or users and expect to survive. The Intelligence Community pays for viewer and readership to manipulate them with societal perversion to bring  down the American resistance to the order which appears from chaos and when those numbers  are gone, the IC stops shelling out the money and that is what Facebook's problems are.

According to data recently released by Statcounter, Facebook’s global social media market share dropped from 75.5% in December 2017 to 66.3% in December 2018. The biggest drop was in the U.S., from 76% to 52%. As Cowen survey results released this week suggest, these engagement declines will continue to depress the company’s earnings. Surveying 50 senior U.S. ad buyers controlling a combined $14 billion in digital ad budgets in 2018, 18% said they were decreasing their spend on Facebook. As a result, Cowen estimates the Facebook platform will lose 3% of its market share.

The fact is it is not Facebook's users are half bots. The fact is 3/4s of their users are fake, bots, banned users, leaving a group of basically people who made accounts 3 years ago to keep in touch with family because everyone did, and they either died or they had better things to do. That is the reality of Facebook, and this platform is only propped up by the NSA or it would have vanished in it's criminal fake accounts charging ad buyers sums in fraud into the federal prison system.

There are a finite number of primates who are active in any group. Of these actives part will be leftist, part rightist and part self interested like the often exposed pedophiles who populate Mark Zuckerberg's platform.
For the non criminal or terrorist, Facebook was a means of political discourse, but when Facebook and then Twitter began banning their most active users who were Christian Conservatives, they cut off their right leg to stand on profits. Put it this way, when Franklin Graham gets half of his followers nuked by Facebook monitors and he gets censored too, Franklin Graham will not be more active on that wall, and those missing humans will not be there generating traffic, not telling their friends and family "Oh I have that photo on Facebook" which increases traffic, and  in the end  Facebook can not continue to expand and  grow as the people are gone and they will not be coming back.

Facebook had a number of foreign bots operating. Those bots have lessened their presence, so that reality is declining the use of the platform. The reality is Facebook does not have enough people any more for the bots in their main server to enhance, so their numbers are imploding. Facebook simply offended too many normal people with morals and a din has begun after 2016 of, "I am not on Facebook anymore".
That kind of echo is being heard more and more, and more  active users are less active. There are not any 'grande spike platforms' like the Lame Cherry was in generating traffic and content flow. All that is left is cell groups of families sharing photos in one day board checks.

Look there were allot of right wing store fronts which made money off the Facebook cash ads in order to glean the big wages and become the big stars of the right, but after they  took on Donald  Trump, numbers of them vanished, because the CIA money flow into propping these platforms up to sway people was pulled, and the biggest pull was Facebook hindering traffic.

I have been targeted by Google. They have effectively halved my reported viewers each day. This is to limit the further expansion of the Lame Cherry in this great media  void. The reality in this, is this blog in the wilderness is one of the few legitimate generators of "first content". It has always been hindered, but it is even more so now again, due to the fact that it is exposing the game behind the game.
I make a great deal of  traffic flow money for Google, but I have never run Google ads. That would generate more assets for them, but I run  this blog on the honor system of people donating.
The point is  Google has had  some massive failures as have all the Big Tech, Facebook being the worst, but there is the reality that these IC sponsored platforms are being directed to suppress right wing individuals from expressing thoughts. That is crippling their market share. When this is coupled with Sebastian Kurz moving to replace American intelligence platforms for European platforms to gain control of the content, the American giants are in double jeopardy. They have ruined their domestic conservative base, and when Apple is being picked off by China, Facebook by EuroRussia and Twitter has become even more irrelevant by it's  own hand, there appears an opening for Eurasian takeover and a reassessment by American CIA groups in pulling the funding.
It is also a point that the billions poured into Facebook are coveted by other  cartel conglomerates who deem they could do more with those revenues than Mark  Zuckerberg is failing with. Coca Cola was once like CBS a prime CIA front operation to espionage in foreign lands, so they were funded as such, just as Google, Facebook and Apple currently are in the present. The previous companies had their time and now the time for Facebook has come. What was once dazzling and new is now Netflix blaise. 

Facebook's time will come like Cagney and Lacey or whatever faggot television is degenerating minds on television now. It will not be due to ad revenues, or public traffic, but like My Space, when their benefactors in the IC decide to pull the plug.

These internet giants in store front image are fast becoming the freak show of off putting horror.  Steve Jobs was Mr. Cancer. Bill Gates looks like the greasy creeper who peeps in your windows. Mark Zuckerberg is the jerk in the neighborhood who everyone hates. Zuckerberg's image in the public domain was bad enough when he was the pasty pink fat weird fat child, but when he became Serial Zuckerberg stalking everyone and people started disappearing, that financial disaster which rubbed off of Birther Hussein Obama, is the stench of Facebook which drives people from the platform.

In a stock crash, Facebook has nothing it produces. Without electricity it ceases to exist. When it is no longer NSA propped up, it will just be an empty web address which for the first time will have real users in these family tribal groups listed in exact numbers.

There is enough CIA chatter from Trumpstate driving down Facebook's presence to know that the handwriting is on the wall. If some enterprising individual would produce the next gen of low byte use and free content for using, the NSA would have their next platform. Facebook would have faded by now, if someone would have come up with the family movie theater where you could order things  delivered and you could  make it personal in posting worthless interests, but things are a bit slow in the sleep state of the deep state as they have other mundane things concerning them.

That though is the assessment of Facebook. I would go with Coke as they are market share undercutting Pepsi baby DNA matter pop in price, with their sugar products for marketshare. That is a different story though and does not belong here and I belong going to check the mail.

Nuff Said
