Wednesday, January 30, 2019

That 33 Beer Hangover

Di Di Mau

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have always thought Anitra Ford was one of the most beautiful women. The Price is Right sucked after she left and did not recover until Diane Parkinson hit her groove. Anitra Ford provided Bob Barker his foothold into game shows and Diane Parkinson made him.

Women made him and he thought the public adored him because he gave corporate tax deductions away to bribe the public to come to a Goodson Toddman show.

This though is not about those glorious days of America's last days in the early 1970's. This is about what this blog posted on "remote viewing" on the Las Vegas Massacre so long ago. It comes to the reality that the FBI has now after stating it would reveal all at the end of December, has now revealed in January, that it has no idea what happened.
Odd that it could have reported that nothing burger in the summer of 2018 AD in the year of our Lord, but it has now waited until the public has moved on to reveal, nothing.

FBI Claims it Still Doesn’t Know Las Vegas Massacre Executioner’s Motive as It Closes Investigation

I could be satirical in stating it is hard for the FBI to solve things with Robert Mueller having him rough up Roger Stone with raids or how as I noted in the Stephen Paddock revolver, how blood got under the hands of Paddock, before he killed himself and more to the point how the bloody fingerprints got on there after he shot himself.

What the matrix pointed to at the first, when this blog it was a belt fed firing auto. It point to certain IC and Security agencies had been aware and assisting Mr. Paddock in his endeavors, and in this protecting of America, as on 9 11, the operation was turned back on them by the unfriendlies, which the matrix indicated were Islamocommunist Persian in origin who hired cross border bandits to tie the tail on the IC and Secserv, so they had to cover it all up or it would start World War III.
It is as David John Oates discovered in Reverse Speech from President Donald Trump at Las Vegas, Mr. Trump said it was the start of a world war.

I have a half dozen photos of the beautiful Anitra Ford. I wonder if she ever owned a Mach I Mustang with a boss engine. That would have been sweet.

If you want the Truth, that died in 1970. All the rest is fiction like Bob Barker's career and 33 beer.

Vegas is just more 33 Beer hangover. 49 years past the Truth when all there is, is beer puke and piss stains in the bed as we never woke up till after the fact.
