Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Does God Accept Collect Calls


 What you expected God to answer the phone?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When you read this, I will have been up in the night trying to keep warm, and will have been up doing chores remorsefully in the cold, and looking to steal some time for a nap to try and keep hearth and home from a morgue setting.
We are all tired, including the Viking who shared something personal about his Mom, which I can not share, but what I can write about is my existence in memories and realities. I will say though to the Viking that I had no doubts about Heaven and his Mom, his girls are all living the mission of Christ.

I dreamed about my mother this morning. Is  odd in things, as when I converse with Joan of Arc, others appear which I would not appear. I open myself up too much is what I suspect and that which I would not comes in.

I do not remember what it was all about, but it was about the same bullshit she was always about. I was thinking about the Viking and prayers which are in Truth and Spirit and how my mother's prayers were vain repetitions of "I can do all with Christ Who strengthens me." She certainly got the all things down as strengthened she employed toxic sin.
I am sitting here at 30 below zero in down booties I got for her for a dollar. My feet are nice and warm and the booties are still dirty on the bottom where she got up from her chair, breaking her word to me, lied about what she was doing, and I spent and hour going hoarse in trying to pry out of her what the hell mischief she was up to. She said she was weighing herself which was a lie, as when I tested her, she fell off the scale if I would not have caught her.

That is the interesting part in this in right after she died, I got unbalanced like she was. I was getting concerned in I was almost tipping over backwards. I thought it was perhaps sinus and it did clear up in a week, but if I can believe my inquires in Spirit that woman in her ways said  after she died that I should feel what it was like. I told her what a hell of a thing for her to do, after God saved her through us and put her into Heaven.
I don't know in my condition how  accurate all my stuff is  as the pressure, the exhaustion, the cold, the just whatever, but it does make sense when I asked that the Mother is going to face Judgment yet. It does make sense in God saved her, to let her prove by actions she belonged in Heaven, but more to take  the burden off of TL and myself  as sending people to hell is something that does not need to be in the back of the mind for years for satan to work on.  So it is the balance of all things in God is merciful and God is lawful.

I was  thinking of the worthless prayers of the mother. I told her I did not want her praying for me. The worst bullshit was one day I was scolding her and she said she was on her knees praying for me.  A few days later God gave me the edge as the Puntz crapped on the floor and as I walked through, the mother pointed it out for me to clean up as she always did.
As I said, I was on my game that day by God and pissed off, so I told the mother, "So what is it mother, you are on my knees praying for me or you can't get on your knees to clean up cat shit."

She lied allot but did not have the ovaries to be caught lying to God.  It makes sense why she blurted out finally about not wanting to be alone. She tried to bankrupt me, make me a cripple, break TL and I up, drive TL off by making TL sick or kill TL in allergic reactions, and I still had to do this blog every day as that is what you children expect and demand.
Good thing God knocked her off without her knowing as she would still be running in terror of His Judgment.

She showed up here after the parade in Heaven being shown things. her attitude was normal in she was going to help. Yes her help was not doing a blessed thing, but acting like Lord God with all the  orders for her dumbass solutions.
She is still doing worthless prayers like the Pharisees praying for the show of how great they are.

I have heard wonderful prayer. It was the prayer of my Beloved Uncle. I went into his room as his brain was ravaged by cancer, the cancer was swelling his head to great pain. He was dying. The Chaplain had just left his room when I entered, and there was this man no longer able to walk, lying on his deathbed and with the sweetest, most sincere expression he said, "Thank you Heavenely Father".

In life, people always worry about some horse ass sins they think are important, when in reality it is the mean ass things of hurting people which matter in cutting remarks instead of being supportive in what chalks up on the life review.

I don't know if everything God tells me is kosher, but I do know He always tells me things for my own good to get through, and I need lots of help to get through things.
It feels as of late that my prayers are about as effective as prayers to keep 30 below events away.

Nuff Said
