Weren't we like already the anti trump poster folks
in no taste in fashion, being homely as livestock
and never showing up for work?
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry is pleased the democrats have answered questionaires in my being an established part of the fringe media, in their explaining two questions in why should Republicans vote for them and how will their presidencies differ from Donald Trump.
Governor Cuomo

As Donald Trump has had the ugliest presidency in American history, I intend to be the ugliest president in history. Think of me as when Stalin took over Russia and killed everyone and everything. I intend to move abortion out of the womb and into the rural areas of America.
Hillary Hamrod Clinton

Donald Trump is deplorable as he exposed me as a woman. My administration will be summed up as I am the white version of LeBron James, who will execute everyone with money who does not agree with me and donate the money to the Clinton Foundation.
Joe Biden

Donald Trump was nothing like Obama in he works, he makes waves and he does not have the negro scent like Obama. My presidency will be a continuation of my Vice Presidency in Rationed Death and being a EEP, Equal Opportunity Pedophile who sniffs children and women I hope to dress up in kiddie panties.
Michael Bloomberg

Donald Trump is too recklessly emotional and too senselessly chaotic. My presidency will be cold and unemotional as I expand Planned Parenthood to Planned Adulthood and abort all the deplorables.
Bernie and Beto

Donald Trump is not a person of color. Donald Trump is too white. I will eliminate all white people except in Verwhitemont. I will order all white people to take a Mexican name.
Senator Gillibrand

I intend to be white a color. I intend to be so white that it will become blindlngly a color. I don't remember the other question, but being so white I belong in the White House.
Kamala Harris

As the only quadroon in the race I think that my being the only woman to with hips the size Colorado with my own Grand Canyon, that is enough difference between myself and Donald Trump. I will continue to butcher babies in and out of the womb.
Elizabeth Warren

Now that I am not native American, I intend to massacre all the redskins,take their land and promise to not be like Donald Trump in my White House will be at Boco Raton Florida and I will officially change my name to Bocohauntas.
The Lame Cherry thanks the democratic candidates for 2020 AD in the year of our Lord.
Nuff Said