Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Aunt Jemima of the State of DisUnion

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As Nancy Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez dressed in virgin white, crushed over Donald Trump in the State of the Union, a red meat darkness lurked in the shadows of Stacy Abrams, a Negress of Georgia voter fraud, who was brought out to do the podium assassin work by attacking Donald Trump in the democratic response.

Stacey Abrams' Democratic response to the State of the Union
Stacey Abrams was tapped to give the Democratic response to President Donald Trump's State of the Union address. Abrams lost the…

I believe his snowflake hero of wet vaginas cheering this red meat appealed to the off balanced left, was a mistake. The trotting out of Corey Booker to reNegroid the Obama designer negro shadows of blackness past, smacks of racism which is not psychologically off putting nor lost on Americans. Democrats employed
deploying the scary Negro while the Italian Pelosi, the Jew Schumer and the Latin Ocasio Cortez kept their whiteness.

The mistake in this is 76% of the Americans watching Donald Trump agreed with his speech. That means that democrats sent out the Nigger to storm the wall and be fodder for their agenda. This red meat plays well for 24% of hate, but that does not defeat the reality that Donald Trump and Nancy Pelosi are working together.
Abrams looked what she was a sore loser. Abrams mannequins behind her were in the dark literally, looking like the Big Brother 1984 mob. The message is the Black must save the democrats who do not want to get their hands dirty. The problem is Mr. Trump featured inmates who rose from prison to Christianity to be delivered from their prison.

This was a misplay in Alexandria Ocasio Cortez should have been chosen for the national platform to the Latin hosts, and instead of a message of a loser Negress of the South, promoted a Latin woman's success and the massive success of women being empowered as democrats.
Positive message and more to the point, there are more women than voting blacks for 2020.

Nuff Said
