Tuesday, February 5, 2019

President of the American Left

I'm just Alley's favorite lap daddy now........

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Let us just note here on the unimportant note, that Nancy Pelosi and democrats were applauding Mr. Trump as the women in white from the beginning of the State of the Union, because Mr. Trump has already worked out a deal for the promotion of socialist democrats.

With that stated, I was most impressed that Nancy Pelosi brought along her crown for the State of the Union, a nice chrome thing which I got a screen grab of and it seems fitting, as the Speaker looks a great deal like my recently dead mother, before she died, and due to fluid build up, she could not always figure out what was going on.
I observed Nancy sucking her teeth as she seems to have forgotten to brush. She was talking to herself. She seemed to have eye problems in her eyes were going in outside directions and she seemed to lose track of where she was. She never failed though in ceasing to suck on her teeth.

Here is a photo of Nancy wearing her crown.

But enough of Nancy, let us focus on the gorgeous Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, as she appeared to lead women in Congress. She was virginal as of course she is, and looked the image of Virgin Mary, except for attempting to glower at Donald Trump, but when Mr. Trump started praising women, Ocasio Cortez leapt to her feet and was laughing with all the other ugly women around her celebrating Donald Trump.

She's too virgin for her body....

Ocasio Cortez as she beamed in appreciation of her President, looked a great deal like Justice Kagan who was glowing as Mr. Trump entered the chamber and almost jumped into his arms.

As proof that this President has worked out a deal with Nancy Pelosi, when Mr. Trump stated if he would not have been elected president that a major war would be engaged with a major war with North Korea. Democrats cat called over this, but Nancy Pelosi sitting behind the President, waved them off to be quiet.

For this President to then state that America will never be a socialist nation, is a ludicrous statement, for America is nothing but a socialist state. The crowning reality of this is there were not any protestors with the democrats in the chamber to disrupt the speech.

So that is the State of the Union. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is the best supporting actress in her role of communist sympathizer to the tooth sucking Queen Nancy as she sat beside her President, Mike Pence, as Donald Trump has become the adoring President of the American left.

It was not what was said in this chamber, it was how the democratic women acted which foretells what has taken place.

God bless President Donald Trump, the American Jehu.

Nuff Said
