Sunday, February 10, 2019

But your Gavel still keeps smashing my Testicles

Did you hear the one about, fool me once, shame on you,
fool me 5000 times and you are a Trump voter?


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If we are to believe Red State, Donald Trump and Lindsey in the gay hear Graham, have accomplished all of our Conservative Christian dreams by whetting them on the Federal Courts with a mass of judges to now be voted on.........

Not appointed, but to be voted on.

A lot of people voted for Trump for precisely this reason. And how often since the election have you heard “But Gorsuch” used as some kind of joke by NeverTrumpers as though replacing Scalia with a solid conservative was no small thing. For all of his faults, President Trump and his administration are breaking records in putting young conservatives, and in many of those cases orthodox Christians, on the bench where they can begin to reshape the way the federal judiciary has been bastardized.

Voted on is not Sworn in.

Thursday afternoon, the Senate Judiciary Committee headed by Lindsey Graham approved a slate of 44 judicial nominees for confirmation. This continues a fundamental reshaping of the the federal judiciary by the Trump administration with the assistance of the Federalist Society.

I would point out the realities of all of this in John in the gay rear Roberts just held up a life protecting law in Louisiana to keep butchering babies in a 5 4 vote with liberals which UPHOLDS a Supreme Court law by John Roberts.

Do you require that one explained in, it does not make a fiddlers damn what 44 Fed Society plebes gavel to, as the Supreme Court is 7 2 in voting liberal to leftist, so your fine little cadre of 44 right wingers are going to be gavelled down by the Supreme Court and Brett Kavanaugh who upheld baby  butchering in one of his votes, is the Justice who said he will uphold ALL SUPREME COURT RULINGS, meaning these 44 judges can be as activist as they choose, but Kavanaugh is going to gavel for Obama sodom law every time.

So the Lame Cherry is not going to be suckered by any of this, as I know how this works and how it is another punt down the road. The most sweeping Gun Rights laws in America in Heller, were swept aside by the Supreme Court and destroyed by the lower courts by not enforcing that law by upholding it.

Until the day comes that these faggots on the Supreme Court shatter Aborticide, remove the last 50 years of anti Christian rulings and get rid of Obamacare, this is all bullshit with a horseshit topping.

44 judges in a sea of  3600 liberal faggots will amount to about as much as a White guy in San Antonio Texas.

Donald Trump Obamanized the Supreme Court perpetually and after Sam Alito's last vote I am wondering if the court is 8 liberals and only Clarence Thomas on it as these closet queers are always popping up and not voting Conservative at the damnedest times. The picks of Bushite Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are a disaster for Americans, and their voting will crush every Conservative ruling and every Conservative law if the Congress was American.

I look at this fraud of the 44 as a person dying of cancer and being told, "Cheer up sister as today you get pudding for desert". It makes absolutely no difference as the damage is already done. Now if two of these 44 had gone on the Supreme Court and were not frauds, we would have something to look forward too, but the Supreme Court has proven it is a fraud, and you can not make just laws out of an illegitimate court.

Nuff Said
