Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Blanket of HAARP

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have been studying Bone's South Dakota again in relation to HAARP and I did some comparative analysis of  the Weather Bots and it amazes me at the precision of the readings in each one in the short term is different by a few degrees, but the more they project out, they can be 20 degrees off.

In the forecast which I call the HAARP factor as it is the one which predicts life exterminated in massive snow or rainfalls, depending on the time of the year, there is a constant in that Weather Bot in for the past two months, it keeps trending warm temperatures or normal temperatures.
Time and again, from 7 days to two weeks out, it had moderating temperatures in the 30 degree range, and just like that HAARP generates a cold bomb and it is 20 below zero.

This is a base composite of South Dakota. Even in that, the snow predicted differs from from other forecasts. But in that, some forecasts as the Weather Underground, has snows almost every day. The forecasts can run from 6 inches to 17 inches.


Light Snow Hi: 8°F
   SUNDAY NIGHT Mostly Cloudy Lo: 3°F 
   MONDAY Light Snow Hi: 18°F
  Precipitation: 50% 
   MONDAY NIGHT Blowing Snow Lo: 15°F 
   TUESDAY Light Snow Hi: 18°F
  Precipitation: 50% 
   TUESDAY NIGHT Partly Cloudy Lo: 0°F 
   WEDNESDAY Mostly Cloudy Hi: 10°F
Lo: 0°F
   WEDNESDAY NIGHT Mostly Cloudy Lo: 0°F 
   THURSDAY Blowing Snow Hi: 13°F
  Precipitation: 50% 
   THURSDAY NIGHT Blowing Snow Lo: 0°F  Precipitation: 50% 
   FRIDAY Blowing Snow Hi: 8°F
   FRIDAY NIGHT Partly Cloudy Lo: -5°F 
   SATURDAY Partly Cloudy Hi: 8°F
Lo: -5°F

This is the base comparison of temperatures. I realize that a 20 mile radius can yield temperatures which are this variable, as there are cold air pockets or sheltered spaces.
In the Watertown area, I have 9 recording areas with live data, and the temperatures are reading 1 degree above to 4 degrees above.
Just remember that in your NASA global warming updates of warmer 2018 than ever. Literally if the wind shifts in a new direction as HAARP continues to switch prevailing winds or someone builds a shopping mall with more pavement or shelter, the temperatures can spike 4 degrees. That is not global warming. That is how easily temperatures can fluctuate.


10 -1

8 - 3
10 - 4
8 - 1



20- 16

18 -15
20 -8
21 -4


19 -2

20 -2
18 -0
21 -2


12 -2

18 - 3
10 -0
9 - 1


10 - 4

13 -0
15 -8
 8 -2


3 -7

8 - 4
8 - 5 
5 - 3


7 -2

20 -
8 - 5

5 - 1


 5 - 8

20 -14
4 - 3

I will remind readers that the earth is naturally warming as spring is a natural reality. In this, Denver is 50 degrees this week and the air flow is coming out of Denver over the Dakotas and yet that area is continuing to show Arctic conditions. Literally it is colder in the Great Plains than in Alaska.

I believe the last time it was above freezing in Watertown South Dakota was around 5 weeks ago. There was a four day streak of warmth coming out of December, and before that December just was horrid cold. None of that is normal, as there are supposed to be "thaws" in these periods. There never was a January thaw in late January and by the data, there is not going to be a February thaw which is unheard of, as February should have days above the freezing mark in this region, as Omaha has periods of 50 degrees, which is the current temperature cycle, as that of Denver.

 What HAARP appears to be gearing off of in this, is the no population zone of this region is being used as a cold deposit to spin other systems off of in the major line emerging from Texas to New York.
There is a repeat from last year in these moisture streams erupting out of California and hosing this central region down. It is suspected this is for internal river navigation in the United States for flood waters.

I spoke with several people in this area and they are reporting great distress on wildlife in the land is covered by cement hard snow and finding forage is difficult. Livestock is suffering and people are dying out there as this has been going on for months without any breaks and it is a constant and severe pounding every 5 days.

One more thing, in non HAARP temperatures, there should be a 15 to 20 degree difference between daytime highs and nighttime lows, as you can see from the above, HAARP is averaging an almost constant temperature day and night, sun or clouds, the temperatures are not changing. This simply can not happen unless the Weather Mods are constantly maintaining the same atmospheric temperature at the upper levels. It is why there have been so many reports in this region into Canada of mists, fogs and rains.

Nuff Said
