Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Exposing the Fraud of HAARP

HAARP only makes me more Chicago Attractive.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In keeping with the exclusives of this blog in exposing HAARP, I have been monitoring Bones region of South Dakota, and after HAARP tried to holocaust all the Christian Conservatives in South Dakota with 30 plus below zero weather last week, something interesting is happening out there again, as it is quite cold out there yet, and it is supposed to be around 20 below again later in the week.

The punchline in this is below, but I highlighted the below zero temperatures in red.


 TemperatureWeatherFeels LikeWind HumidityChanceAmountUVSunriseSunset
Feb 5
3 / -8 °FSnow. Overcast.-14 °F10 mph83%50%2.31"0 (Low)7:42 am5:39 pm
Feb 6
9 / 0 °FModerate snow. Low clouds.-9 °F14 mph86%54%4.34"0 (Low)7:41 am5:40 pm
Feb 7
4 / -10 °FModerate snow. Overcast.-30 °F24 mph80%52%3.63"0 (Low)7:39 am5:42 pm
Feb 8
-5 / -21 °FA mixture of sun and clouds.-25 °F9 mph75%6%-0 (Low)7:38 am5:43 pm
Feb 9
15 / -14 °FA mixture of sun and clouds.-4 °F14 mph77%6%-0 (Low)7:37 am5:45 pm
Feb 10
11 / 2 °FSnow. Overcast.-7 °F15 mph86%44%3.05"0 (Low)7:35 am5:46 pm
Feb 11
25 / -4 °FLight snow late. Increasing cloudiness.6 °F12 mph91%36%0.48"0 (Low)7:34 am5:48 pm
Feb 12
28 / 6 °FModerate snow. Overcast.16 °F14 mph93%42%4.93"0 (Low)7:32 am5:49 pm

Now here is the evidence of the above temperatures CAN NOT BE HAPPENING, like none of this fraud polar vortex.
I ask you to consider that there are supposed to be polar vortex over both poles.........so here is the reality if they are not over the poles, what is there to take their place as they have to be there and not over the lower 48.

Now here is the proof in actual JET STREAM data for this week. You will notice there is NOT ANY POLAR JET FLOW, not even a breath of Canadian jet flow. In fact, you will notice that South Dakota, and everywhere else is receiving an air flow from the moderate west where the temperatures are 50 degrees.

There is nothing but a west to east air flow in the United States, which means a warm air flow of an early spring and yet for more unexplained reasons, the United States is under Arctic conditions.

Here is the proof of Colorado warmth.

 Daily Forecast for Aurora, Colorado

   REST OF TONIGHT Patchy Fog Lo: 20°F 
   TUESDAY Patchy Fog Hi: 51°F

This is irrefutable proof that HAARP has been weaponized and no one is covering this issue in the Mockingbird media.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. It should be above freezing all across the great white north in this jet stream. The only way for this to be occurring is HAARP is ramming cold air from the upper atmosphere to sell heating fuel to poor Americans.
This indicates that they have used all the cold air from Greenland to the North Pole, and with a west to east air flow, they are overcoming a 40 degree warming trend by plunging it by 60 degrees.

There is absolutely only one reason for this weaponization of HAARP and that is to force Americans to purchase fuel which they already own in energy coming out of the ground which has been stolen from them.

Nuff Said
